Republicans nominate reformer ex-con running in #IL02 district famous for electing pre-cons

It looks like Paul McKinley (R) will hold onto the nomination to run against Robin Kelly (D) in the special election to replace Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. in the Illinois 2nd Congressional District on April 9.

While McKinley only has a 23-vote lead, it appears that all the votes are in.  McKinley has declared victory.

Kelly is the fiercely anti-2nd Amendment Chicago machine candidate backed by NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s SuperPAC, which spent over $2 million in the Democratic primary to get Kelly elected.

Many people are writing this off as a sure Democratic win, but don’t be so quick.

McKinley is not your typical Republican candidate. McKinley’s an ex-con running in a district famous for electing pre-cons.

McKinley is a street activist who repeatedly speaks out against Obama and the crony deals Obama’s Chicago team gets at the expense of poor Chicago neighborhoods.

McKinley has a message of repentance, to which he has devoted his life since leaving prison in 1998. Kelly is a party loyalist and built her career serving in the bureaucracy.

McKinley understands how inner city communities have been devastated by corruption and cronyism, and he is running on a message of taking on the politicians who have brought such pain to his community.

McKinley is pro-2nd Amendment and pro-concealed carry, recognizing that the law-abiding citizens have been left defenseless by Chicago’s draconian gun laws that do nothing to take guns away from criminals.

Legal Insurrection has been backing McKinley as a candidate since we first came across his grassroots community activism in the poorest areas of Chicago with the Broke Party.  It’s a tough district, but it’s the kind of situation where we just might be able to make a fight of it with the message McKinley is bringing.

McKinley told local TV:

“Well I’m quite confident that I’m going to win,” he said. “There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ve already won and my whole election was based on those who’ve been thrown into the garbage can of society and who’ve, whose issues have never been brought to the forefront.”

Anthony Beale, one of the losing Democrats in the primary, spoke harshly about Bloomberg’s interference:

“If this is the future of the Democratic Party, then we are all in big trouble.”

Spread the word. It’s one Man versus The Machine in Chicago’s 2nd Congressional District.

Donate to McKinley here.

Update — Lenny McAllister, one of the Republican candidates, urges people to unite behind McKinley:

Your future, and this district, is more important than any ambition. I congratulate my opponent Paul McKinley on his likely victory this evening. The Democrats will throw everything and the kitchen sink at him from now until the General Election, and we must be there to stand up for Paul, our Republican nominee.