I said, “Hi.” She said, “Yeah, I guess I am.”

The “Hi” in the title should clue you in, this is my welcome post. I’m David, the newest blogger at Legal Insurrection.

For those who don’t know me, I used to blog as Soccer Dad.

After I retired from blogging at the end of 2010, Prof Jacobson offered me his blog as a new home if I ever wanted to get back into the game. I believe I’m ready to take the jump now.

Once upon a time a Carnegie-Mellon study determined that Soccer Dad was the 22nd most influential blog in the universe. Given the other blogs on the list, I was very surprised at my appearance on the list. Soccer Dad’s traffic wasn’t in the same class as most of the other blogs. It must have been that I was big linker to others.

First of all I founded Haveil Havalim, the Jewish blogging carnival. (A blog carnival is a periodic – usually weekly – enterprise which links to blogs associated with a single theme.) Over the years other bloggers have taken over administering and contributing to Haveil Havalim; the current administrator is Esser Agaroth.

Also I was a member of the Watcher’s Council. The Watcher’s Council is a group of about twelve (mostly) conservative bloggers who submit and vote on the best posts of the week. Currently, my pal JoshuaPundit serves as Watcher. (Nearly four years ago, Legal Insurrection won the non-council voting for his post, Which city would you sacrifice? Given the recent controversy over Zero Dark Thirty, the post still has resonance.)

My biggest blogging interest is Israel and the Middle East, specifically through the lens of media bias. I’m also interested in politics and how conservatives/Republicans can get their message out past the gatekeepers in the media. For the past two years I’ve been producing a daily (most days) e-mail focusing on news from the Middle East, called the Mideast Media Sampler that a number of sites ( Israel Matzav, Daled Amos, Meryl Yourish and the GLORIA Center) publish.

Anyway that’s a brief introduction to me. I am honored and look forward to contributing to Legal Insurrection.

Oh, there’s reason for the odd title.

I recall that the boss is a fan of Dean Friedman. Dean Friedman once attended the same school I did, so I figured I’d reference his biggest hit.