This is what happens when you are a politician and you don’t own the URL for your name:
The Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI), as their announcement on Facebook details, has launched a website at the URL entitled, “Chuck Hagel is not a responsible option,” with posts on his issue stances as well as quotes from Republicans and Democrats expressing concern about the nomination. ECI’s board includes Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard and Gary Bauer, and the organizations has produced several ads over the past few months attacking politicians and candidates with extreme anti-Israel views.

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Anne, there is a typo in the last para., where it says, “”, rather than “”.
Testing the url presently returns a runtime error.
How karmic.
remove the H in it. it then takes you to a truly horrible page.
the obama-biden page.
we are so screwed.
Perhaps as soon as someone is nominated by this corrupt administration someone would as a matter of course buy the domain name as the first step in providing a platform for trashing the nominee? If unissued domain names are around $15 if I recall.
just buying the domain name (no webspace hosting) is around 3$ per year usually. I got about 10 or so.
when you see some for high prices that means someone grabbed it just to resell it.
Hey, if the Israelis don’t like Hagel, neither do I. 😉
Seriously, one has to wonder why this Administration keeps offering such flawed people for high cabinet positions. Are the Democrats that devoid of moral character that this is the best they can do?
Like Mom always said, “Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas!”