How Republicans got clobbered in tech in two images and a few links

From a highly informative post, Obama, Romney, and GOP Technology: A Chilling Analysis at Red Mass Group:

This post is about technology, but is written for a non-technical audience.You may think you know what happened with the technology of the Obama and Romney campaigns because of what you read about Orca. You don’t know. This article is incredibly long. It will be worth it, and you will never look at technology and politics in the same way. If someone knows where to post or put this so that the RNC sees it, please do so. I am designating this content under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. Distribute freely with attribution.

Here are two images from the post:

Go to the post for the explanation.

Then go to Michael Patrick Leahy’s series:

Then stay away from sharp objects and ledges.

Tags: 2012 Election