Finally, Elizabeth Warren refuses to check the Native American box
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Finally, Elizabeth Warren refuses to check the Native American box

Finally, Elizabeth Warren refuses to check the Native American box

Via Boston Herald, Liz won’t beat drum:

Despite repeated claims she is “proud” of her Cherokee heritage, newly minted U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is keeping that pride under wraps and won’t be taking advantage of a chance to officially list herself as the Bay State’s first Native American U.S. senator.

Aides said Warren, who describes herself as part Cherokee and part Delaware Indian, won’t contact historians at the Senate Historical Office to tell them she’s Native American. The office lists minority senators in its official directory.

Warren’s aides refused further comment, but Betty Koed, an associate historian at the Senate Historical Office, said, “If her office wants to call and have her listed, we’d be happy to do so.” ….

Twila Barnes, a Cherokee who has been a consistent critic of Warren, said her decision is just more proof Warren’s claims are suspect. “I think she just wants this to go away because she knows she has no proof. I think it was something she did to get a job, and it was temporarily convenient,” Barnes said. “She’s saying she’s so proud, then why isn’t she declaring herself and getting involved in Native American issues?”

For those of you who don’t remember, here is Warren refusing to back away from who she is and how she grew up:

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And here is the infamous “first Native American Senator” from Massachusetts declaration:

Related: Cherokee controversy restored to Elizabeth Warren Wikipedia page.


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We had a lot of bitter pills to swallow this election cycle. Though losing to the fraud occupying the White House is surely the toughest, losing to this fraud ranks right up there. The woman seems so utterly devoid of conscience and empathy it seems she missed her true calling. At a minimum, she is truly as shameless as most journalists these days.

Sounds like someone in her staff finally prevailed on her to stop being self-destructive.



In this one area.

You can take the girl out of the chorus line but you can’t take the chorus line out of the girl: Warren is trash and a fraud.

She always will be.

For crying out loud.
There is no real upside for Warren to be a Cherokee now, so she has cast it aside.
Let’s face it .. if she hadn’t won a Senator’s seat, Harvard would now have to act on her fraud.

So her dishonesty got her a tenured position at Harvard law school and elected to the United States Senate.


What a cheap trick she is!

you can see on her face how she thinks she flies with angels and is the most worthy, intellectual and a truly maaa-velous bridger between her kind(meaning only herself)and the – how do you spell hoi paloi?

In as article I read this morning the author said when the progressive cabal finally captures all power they will tire of their “act’ and start being their “true selves”. The “true selves” will demand we submit to their every whim.

    gs in reply to betty. | January 8, 2013 at 2:16 pm

    you can see on her face how she thinks she flies with angels and is the most worthy, intellectual and a truly maaa-velous bridger between her kind(meaning only herself)and the – how do you spell hoi paloi?

    betty, observe people in an upscale leftist venue and you’ll see lots of expressions like Warren’s. Those people supported her because they identify with the expression on her face.

    Which means, with all due respect to Bill, that simply calling her out was inadequate to defeat her in MA. Whether it would work nationwide is a different story, but I’d rather not have it be the only arrow in our quiver. Newt said it: conservatives have to relate their rhetoric to the lives of ordinary Americans.

I wonder if Liz will create a Pow Wow series bio for her 2016 Presidential run – Ms. Cheeky Goes Gauche.

Fear Not.

I have a strong feeling that Elizabeth Warren will be the gift that keeps giving.

Given her age and years of reckless disregard for truth and ethics, she won’t be changing her stripes anytime soon — even if she wanted too.

Stay tuned. First guess, look for some dishonest and/or sleazy behavior on behalf of her Big Labor handlers.

HOW, Oh Cherokee Princess Squaw!!

Me can’t figure what those pesky white-eyed Mass. voters be thinking,’Yo, about her going to DC for them.

Some Very Sick S**t, Cherokee Princess Squaw.

A simple DNA test would prove she speaks with forked tongue… can’t someone grab a mustache hair when she’s not expecting it?

That was then, this is now. She don’t need the teepee no more.

BannedbytheGuardian | January 9, 2013 at 3:26 am

Anastasia wore a fabulous buck skin outfit on her second cd – when they came with little was very appealing & I really wanted one. And she managed to pull it off wearing glasses.

I think Anastacia would look very nice in the Senate.

No one is going to even notice another skinny old hag with a Larry Stooges haircut.