Of the 22 candidates in the race for Jesse Jackson Jr’s vacated congressional seat (IL-2), 17 Democrats and 5 Republicans, only one candidate is speaking out against the Chicago machine. At a January 12 candidate forum, Republican candidate Paul McKinley set the crowd alight as he spoke of voters taking responsibility for voting the same types of candidates in time and again.
McKinley introduced himself saying, “My name in Paul McKinley, and I’m an activist. “I’ve protested everybody that run anything in Chicago.”
Because an injustice has been done in our community. We have just lived under 27–21—years of Mayor Daley, and now we’re living under Rahm “Caligulus” Emanuel. We’re living underneath a whole new reign of insanity…
The machine don’t like you, and it don’t like me….I am not running against a particular person. I’m running against a machine that has gobbled my community up….if you think it’s normal for your neighborhood to have only vacant houses and only poor people walking around that’s broke and ain’t got no money. Only in our community, where you can walk down the street and you see 8 or 9 or 15 people standing on the corner, you have to ask yourself, ‘what’s wrong with me to make me think that this is alright. What’s wrong with me to think that this is normal for my community to look like this’ You need to ask yourself why do I keep voting for the same people. Listen, if you go along with these people, if you go along with this stuff, it’s your fault. It’s your fault.
The woman who followed him protested, “Now why do I have to follow that voice.”
The field is full of ordinary Chicago pol types, even including former Congressman Mel Reynolds, who was convicted of statutory rape and left office as a result. Local news stations like ABC have been busy crowning their favorite, the only white person in the race, Democrat Debbie Halvorson.
McKinley is the same man who has been a thorn in the side of the Democratic establishment for years, and none more so than Barack Obama. He was the one who organized the protest outside Obama’s fundraiser and helped to found the Broke Party.
Some would say electing a democrat is a foregone conclusion in Chicago. But that’s ignoring the recent redistricting of Jesse Jr’s seat, which brought a lot more of the grassroots conservatives of the more rural areas of the district into play, and the fact that a new force — new media — is counteracting the stranglehold local news entities that pick the Democratic candidate time and again, playing along with the Machine, have had in the past.
With LI and sites like this, and spreading the word, we’re able to counteract at least one element of the Chicago Machine: the media. The reception to McKinley’s speech shows that, if he can continue to get his message out, the people of the 2nd district are more than receptive.
Remember that the people he’s seeking to represent have been hurt by the tough economic times more than most, even as the Machine has profited off of their misery. They have traditional social values and are seeking any glimmer of hope, and anything different from decades of Democratic rule and near-treason-like Black leadership, it might just be the right time to stage an insurrection.

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Now that’s real Chicago moxie!
Hope he has good security…
‘Caligulus’ — that’s very funny! Not sure if he mis-pronounced ‘Caligula’ or whether it was intentional for some reason.
I live in IL-01, next door. Still can’t figure out why the Pubs aren’t trying to grab this one with their previous candidate in the hope that the Dems will commit a long-lasting fratricide in the primary. Perhaps they just don’t see a path to victory, or perhaps they’re being their usual turgid, docile selves.
That’s speaking truth to the people. During the election past, I read a lot of stuff about Chicago blacks disgusted with Obama, Emanuel, the Chicago-way Machine, all of whom have been excluding them from the American dream. They say they are receptive to a GOP message, if only the GOP would talk to them. Well, McKinley is talking to them. He’s putting the onus for the situation directly on them. Lets see if they have the nous to get up and create change for themselves by voting for someone else besides a Democrat.
I wish him all the luck. Democrats have for decades run Chicago into the sewer with no opposition. Look at the results. Chicago’s sad state of affairs include not only corrupt Democrat politicians, plus the highest murder rate in the entire nation, high taxes, dismal public schools where the students can barely read/write; yet the Chicago, Il, electorate keeps on reelecting the same scums. Someone once wrote, Chicago has the dumbest voters in America. I happen to agree with that theory. Keep voting Democrat like blind sheep; nothing will change for the better.
I couldn’t find a website or anything for McKinley’s campaign. Is anyone aware of a way to contribute to his effort?
McKinley tells me they are about to put a site up at http://www.mckinleyforcongress.com Will update when it’s live
[…] HAT TIP: Legal Insurrection […]
Thank you, Paul McKinley. Not typing in Theological circles, unless the last name is Spark, may the force be with you..
[…] a Republican – and he’s giving the folks from the ‘hood and surrounding suburbs real hope. Watch out, Mayor […]
Thomas Sowell’s latest column:
Liberalism versus Blacks
From minimum-wage laws to gun control, liberal policies hit blacks disproportionately
If only there was an army of him to take over Chicago city hall.
We can only wish. The entire City Hall of Chicago needs fumigating. Unfortunately,we can only wish, for it seems the low information Chicago electorate have been stuck on stupid for decades.