Anonymous-style threat to expose more journalists’ personal information

The publication of the names and home addresses of gun permit holders in two counties in New York by the Lower Hudson Journal News kicked off a firestorm of criticism, and refusal by another county to provide this information to the Journal News as a danger to public safety.

The Journal News pledged to follow up with more disclosures despite claims that police and correctional officers were put in danger by publication of their home addresses..

The publication also resulted in retaliatory exposure of personal information about Journal News staff, as well as staff of parent company Gannett.  The Journal News user database was hacked.

When Gawker writer John Cook link-baited by publishing a two-year old list of the names of gun permit holders in New York City, Cook’s personal information was put online in retaliation.

One of the people behind these retaliatory information disclosures, who runs a website with names, addresses, telephone numbers and photos of various journalists homes and family members, now has posted an Anonymous-style video threatening more disclosures:

Tags: 2nd Amendment