The end is near

Given the news, that could refer to several different issues.

But I mean it with regard to Syria, where almost everyone seems to view Assad’s days are numbered, but no one seems to be sure how many days.  With Iran and Hezbollah at this side, Assad may hold on longer than most expect.

There already is speculation that Assad moved his chemical weapons as part of a final defensive strategy, possibly including a retreat to the Alawite Moutains.

Reportedly there is a fight underway for the Damascus airport:

Rebel fighters in Syria say that they are aiming to seize Damascus airport, saying it is a “fair target”.

Rebel spokesmen say the airport is being used by the Syrian military and that it should be avoided by civilians.There has been fierce fighting in recent weeks in the countryside around Damascus, known as the Ghouta.The city’s international airport has been inaccessible or closed to civilian flights repeatedly over the past two weeks.

The Christian Science Monitor examines the aftermath if Assad falls:

Any day now, the world will likely watch as the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad falls to armed rebels. But there is one thing the world cannot afford to watch when that happens: the violent revenge on the country’s minority Alawite sect and others who passively supported Mr. Assad.

Add into the mix the radical Islamists gaining traction in the opposition, Iran, and Hezbollah, and you have the makings of a very touchy situation.

Expectations of the fall of Assad and possible trouble with Iran and Hezbollah, may have been why Bibi Netanyahu ultimately decided against a ground invasion of Gaza.  Israel seriously damaged Hamas in Gaza, and the ground war necessary to achieve the remaining damage was not worth tying up troops given other likely crises.

Tags: Israel, Syria