Someone tell Rahm Emanuel his children are protected by armed guard at school

Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former White House chief-of-staff for Obama, recently condemned the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre for suggesting that armed guards in schools could be appropriate in some situations. Yet, it appears that Rahm sends his own children to a school protected by an armed policeman. At a press conference last Friday, LaPierre had said:

If it’s crazy to call for armed officers in our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy…I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it. It’s the one thing that would keep people safe.

Rahm’s statement:

It’s outrageous and unsettling that the NRA would choose to address gun violence not by taking assault weapons off our streets, but by adding more guns to our schools… That is not the right answer for our society, our schools and most importantly our children.People across this country, from small towns to big cities, are united and ready to pass common-sense gun control legislation. The time has come for the NRA to get on board or get out of the way.

Yet, a report from Second City Cop, further investigated by Rebel Pundit, reveals that the University of Chicago Lab School, the elite private school where Mayor Emanuel sends his children, has its own armed guard. Not only that, Second City Cop reports that Mayor Emanuel’s children have an armed escort to and from school.

Let’s not forget that Chicago has the strictest gun control legislation in the country, and only recently residents were afforded the still-burdensome ability to exercise their Second-amendment rights. Yet, this prescription somehow fails to halt the bloodbath of violence on Chicago’s streets.

About one year ago, I attended a grassroots organization meeting of inner-city African American mothers who were fighting for second-amendment rights. The packed room was full of people demanding the ability to defend themselves in Rahm Emanuel’s wartorn city. Rahm Emanuel ought to go show his face at a meeting like that and tell them why he thinks they shouldn’t be able to protect themselves with the same weapons the non-law-abiding criminals have. The same weapons by which his own children are protected.

And no, Mayor Emanuel, the answer is not deploying additional uniformed anti-Semitic Nation of Islam patrol units, as you did this summer. As the privileged students at the University of Chicago Lab School remain protected by an armed guard, Emanuel withholds the same protection from those truly in the crosshairs of the disintegrating city over which Rahm rules.

Tags: Chicago, Rahm Emanuel