I would never be so insulting as to accuse the U. Penn Political Science Department of tokenism

This is a follow up to my post, I would never be so insulting as to accuse the NY Times of tokenism, regarding the demeaning accusation by University of Pennsylvania Political Science Professor Adolf L. Reed Jr. calling Tim Scott and other Republicans who are black of being “cynical tokens.”

Let’s take a look at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Political Science Standing Faculty:

I would never be so insulting as to accuse the U. Penn Political Science Department of tokenism.

Such an accusation would be insulting to the people who worked hard (like Tim Scott) to get where they are (like Tim Scott) and who (like Tim Scott) accomplished much in their lives, and who should not be insulted or demeaned as tokens just because they are part of an overwhelmingly white entity.

Respect for the accomplishments of others, apparently, is not a requirement of being a member of the Standing Faculty of the U. Penn. Political Science Department, or an Op-Ed writer at The NY Times.

Tags: NY Times, race card