I certainly don’t want to get overly confident, but this is very good news, via The Salt Lake Tribune:
For 12 years, Jim Matheson has been a political escape artist, managing to wiggle free from every trap the Utah Republicans have thrown his way.
But after six successful elections, his charmed political run may be coming to an end.
Matheson trails Republican challenger Mia Love 52 percent to 40 percent in a new poll conducted for The Salt Lake Tribune, a large margin in a race where, even a few days ago, both campaigns were predicting a tight finish.
Matheson said lots of polls will have lots of different numbers, and put out a memo from his own polling firm, also completed this week, which shows him with a 2-point lead over Love. Matheson, who hasn’t released internal polls in the past, said he plans to send the information to all of his supporters.
“This is a call to action, because this is a close race and we’re in a position to win,” he said. Matheson said he is right on the issues important to voters — education, taxes and bipartisanship, in particular — and has a superior ground game and he feels good about the race.
The Tribune poll, conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, found that the coalition of Democrats, independents, moderate Republicans and women that Matheson has united in past elections is failing to coalesce this time around, with just 9 percent of Republicans crossing over to support him.
Matheson has proven himself to be a political Houdini in the past.
Take nothing for granted. Democrats are pouring money in to help him.
Make one last donation to Mia Love.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
I say get overly confident. If not now, then when?
There are only two ways to run – unopposed and scared. If you are not unopposed you should run scared. Ted Cruz 2012
Matheson has always managed to get away with being one guy in Utah and an entirely different animal in DC. How does he do it? I can’t say, but I know how similar Democratic jugglers managed it. Fritz Hollings was the conservative SC Governor who put the Confederate battle flag on the state house, and a conservative Senator for years, but moved to the left because he believed he might be a viable Presidential candidate thereby. (It’s a common delusion in the Senate).
Hollings kept being reelected by conservative SC by following Strom Thurmond’s example of going all out for constituent service. If you called his office, no matter who you were, with a problem with the federal government, his staff got on it and had answers for you quickly.
He couldn’t always get what you wanted, but you always knew he was working for you. And over the decades, everyone in SC had a friend or family member who had been helped by him.
But Utah, like SC, deserves better representation on the issues that really matter to us all. With Mia Love, they will be making a huge improvement – like we did by sending Jim DeMint in Fritz’ place.
“I say get overly confident. If not now, then when?”
November 7.
Of course.
That’s after the election.
Show some guts and be confident now.
I don’t know how Matheson who has been a fairly liberal democrat managed to keep getting elected in R+15++ districts. Obama put his brother on a Federal Court, just to buy his vote on Obamacare. Since his vote wasn’t needed he VOTED against it. But keep in mind the guy voted against repeal. So that should tell you right there what his true feelings where.
I am so happy Mia Love is going put this POS Matheson out to pasture.
Ironically, I am tracking UT, and NM results for Ace’s election day tracker. It will be my pleasure to be able to report the results.
The ad that Romney did was very good. & would have definitely assisted but she does have that certaintY aura about her.
I think it’s all over for Matheson. How he’s managed to survive in Utah (the state in which I currently reside) for so long is beyond me. But facing an appealing candidate like Love after being redistricted into an even tougher district AND with Romney at the top of the ticket? I’ve thought this was over as soon as Love won the nomination, and things are looking good. Right now, he’s running desperate “vote for the candidate, not the party” ads in *Utah*. Good luck with that, Jim. And these poll results (especially from the Tribune, which is much less friendly to Republicans–it endorsed Obama for reelection–than the rival Deseret News is) would seem to back that up.
Haha, Demonrats running the old white man against a beautiful young black girl. You RACISTS!!!
Sent her some of my last political money on the 31st (payday). Hope it helped. (No, I don’t think it bought her a huge lead; it wasn’t that much.)
Don’t get cocky, kids. Keep working toward victory.
The time to celebrate is November 7.
As a county delegate, I have atttended meetings with Mia and have also worked with her in her mayoral capacity. She is both charming and a very bright young woman. I look forward to her representing Utah in the Congress.