This driver was on the right path, even if the country ended up in a ditch.
From J:
From Obama to Romney in four years, at UVa.
Maybe one of the geniuses at that institution actually turned out to be a genius when it really counted.
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They WEREN’T for Romney…bumpersticker says WAHOO’s for Romney/Ryan. The other says Obama 12. A wahoo is not a nice thing to be called.
I wasn’t sure if you were joking or not. In case you aren’t a follower of college sports, the University of Virginia claims the term Wahoo, as a secondary to their mascot, the Cavalier.
Virginia Tech has an equally sounding term of endearment with “Hokies.” Their mascot is the Fighting Gobbler (Turkey).
Sorry, didn’t know that. Up here in Northeast, a wahoo is not a good thing to be called.
I live in Virginia. And yes a “wahoo” is not a good thing to be called. 😉
The Obama sticker is from 2012, so the genius made the journey in a matter of weeks or months. I hope the direction was from left to right.
I doubt anyone from UVA would have put a Romney sticker on their own car. I’d bet that it was put there by a “friend” from Virginia Tech that wanted to see the car get keyed on both sides.
Could be a situation where one family member supported Obama and another Romney so they compromised and each got to put a sticker on a shared car.