Keep hope alive — Boston Herald poll shows Scott Brown up 1 point

The Boston Herald just released its final poll, and it shows a virtual dead heat, with Brown up 1 point over Elizabeth Warren:

The poll shows Brown holding a 49-48 percent advantage over Warren among likely voters, dispelling earlier polls and Democratic claims of a small Warren lead. The one-point lead is well within the poll’s 4.1 percent margin of error.Brown held a four-point lead among likely voters in a UMass Lowell/Herald poll in mid-September, but the Harvard Law professor has closed that gap as more Democratic voters have moved to her side….Among the 956 registered voters who responded to the poll, Warren is leading 49-47 percent, but with just a day before the election, the likely voter numbers are considered a more reliable barometer.Brown is viewed favorably by 54 percent of registered voters, but 39 percent say they have an unfavorable opinion of him, a sharp increase of 10 points from September. Warren is viewed favorably by 50 percent of voters and unfavorably by 42 percent. In September just 34 percent viewed her unfavorably.

While other polls have shown Warren in the lead by 4-5 points, the Hearld poll closely matches The Boston Globe’s last poll, as well as that by the Republican-leaning Kimball Consulting.

This might be why Maybe Mass Senate candidates know something we don’t about polling.