It doesn’t matter how great one’s lead in the polls is unless those surveyed actually go to the polls.

GOTV operations are going on across the country, with particular emphasis in the crucial swing states.

Anyone who wants to help can do so simply by making calls from home through Mitt Romney’s website. True the Vote also has a helpful list of states which are still in need of or accepting poll watchers.

This is important not just for the Presidential election, but also in some of our Operation Counterweight races in which the candidates are separated by just a few points. Every single vote matters.

In North Carolina’s 7th District, a race we’ve been following closely as a part of Operation Counterweight, Real Clear Politics is still listing Republican challenger David Rouzer’s bid to unseat Mike McIntyre as a “toss up.” This race is a great opportunity for conservative Republicans to snatch a seat from the Democrats. Please consider making a final donation to the Rouzer campaign here.

Another southern race, in Georgia’s 12th district, presents Republicans with an opportunity to unseat a long time incumbent Democrat.

Lee Anderson is running against incumbent John Barrow in what has long been dubbed Georgia’s closest Congressional race. In this district too, Real Clear Politics has the race listed as a “toss up.” The district was redrawn in 2010 to be more favorable to the eventual Republican challenger, but Barrow has survived many Republican assaults on his seat and Anderson is going to need all the help he can get. You can give him a final push across the finish line by donating here.

Donating is great, making calls is great, and voting is particularly great. Do whatever you can do to help make 2012 an even better year than 2010 was. The finish line is in sight, and now is no time to take your foot off the gas.