Cool tool to help keep me in the bubble

As is obvious from my posts, I never read what people outside the conservative bubble say. 

So when you see me critiquing almost daily what liberal (and even worse, libertarian) pudits are saying, it’s all an illusion.  I’m deep in the bubble.  So deep, I don’t even know I’m in a bubble.

Here is a truly great tool to help keep me in the bubble, the Conservative Search Engine, from the Western Center for Journalism:

The Conservative Search Engine searches a large number of conservative blogs and conservative websites. As part of the Western Center for Journalism’s mission to equip conservative citizen journalists, we have created this search page to be a research tool for conservative bloggers and other citizen journalists who need the news without all the left-wing propaganda attached.

Legal Insurrection is in the search engine, and I just submitted College Insurrection.

It’s worth a bookmark, for those times when you just can’t deal with the nutroots.

Tags: Blogging