And maybe not even seen.
Do not attempt to speak truth to power:
- Macalester Foreign Student Shocked By One-Sided Liberal Politics on Campus
- Criticism of Affirmative Action Draws Ire at Harvard Crimson
- Anti-harassment campus policies are the new speech codes
- UNC Student — If Quoting Reagan Violates Speech Codes, We’re Finished
- SUNY Oswego journalism student disciplined for practicing journalism
- UNC Student – speech codes have rendered speech bland
- Dartmouth student — Prof’s “feminist consciousness” petition weakens effort against sexual assault
- Equality Is Unconstitutional, Left-Leaning Federal Appeals Court Rules
- Professor Puts “Civility” Clause in Syllabus
But if you are liberal, you can use your power against truth:
If you are conservative, look elsewhere for inspiration:
- “Libertarian Lolita” Loves Free Markets and Hayek
- Save America — Open your mind to the benefits of homeschooling.
- College conservatives have a home … at frats and sororities
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Conservative students are systematically being Palinized for political purposes by the Democrat Party.
Any questions?
What I fear the most is the systematic and successful power building demonization of any and all opposition by the Democrat Party will eventually lead to domestic armed conflict and/or civil war as the Democrat Party turns America into a single party country. The signs are already there.
Evil always greedily seeks power, over-steps and self-destructs. Look at Ghaddafi. Same with Morsi. Same with Obama.
We had a holocaust survivor speak at our school last spring. Before the people with him could change the subject he stated that he sees the same thing happening in our country today that happened in Germany in the beginning of National Socialism. His escorts shrugged it off as the opinions of an old man. I found it eerie, and prophetic.
Islam and Nazism are siamese twin, mutually-attracting, equally-destructive, anti-GOD, anti-Christ, equally evil, intolerant, diversity-hating spirits.
When the Nazis first appeared on the scene, some people in Europe described them as “the new Muslims” because the similarities were so obvious. Don’t believe the people who claim it was the Nazis who taught the Muslims how to be viciously anti-Semitic
Meanwhile, on the West Coast, the All Inclusive, All Tolerant, All Diverse, All Multi-Cultural Lefties of Santa Monica, Ca, got the Christmas Manger scene, displayed in their park for 60+years, BANNED.
They felt GoooooooooD about themselves and gave each other Group Lefty Hugs. This story, last week, REALLY PISSED ME OFF.
Send your children to Hillsdale, Patrick Henry or even Regent or Liberty University. There are other schools that still tolerate conservative morality, teach classical learning and thought and have not been bought out by the liberal agendites.