Announcing The Elizabeth Warren File

I was just on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030 in Boston, a Super Station which covers all of Massachusetts and then some, talking about my latest research on Elizabeth Warren (check back in the morning for more on that).

I was pleased to announce the creation of a new website The Elizabeth Warren File ,

The new website, which for now is just a static holding page, will be a central repository for links to the massive amount of research done by a variety of people during this campaign, including the team led by Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes, Michael Patrick Leahy, and others.  Of course, it also will link to the posts at Legal Insurrection about Warren.

The topics covered will include Warren’s:

The site will take some time to build, and will not be a blog format with comments and multiple daily updates.  Rather, it will be a resource bringing together information, updated as new information becomes available.

The site will go live regardless of the outcome of the election, because regardless of the election Elizabeth Warren will continue to be an important public political figure.

Whether Warren continues in public life as a Senator, a candidate once again, or merely as a demagogic progressive agitator, there needs to be a central place where other researchers can find the accumulated wisdom gathered during this campaign season.

That place will be The Warren File.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren