Sorry AARP, you own Obamacare

I have written numerous times about AARP’s love affair with Obamacare, including recently disclosed documents showing coordination of strategy.  Proponents of Obamacare often cited AARP’s support as the equivalent of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Few AARP members probably realize how big a role AARP played in Obamacare.

AARP, however, is not happy that Obama brought up AARP at the debate last night, as reported at The Washington Examiner (via Drudge)

President Obama invoked AARP to defend his health care law last night, prompting the influential group to release a statement telling him not to do that again.“While we respect the rights of each campaign to make its case to voters, AARP has never consented to the use of its name by any candidate or political campaign,” the group posted in a statement. “AARP is a nonpartisan organization and we do not endorse political candidates nor coordinate with any candidate or political party.”Obama can perhaps be forgiven for thinking he could mention AARP given how they coordinated with him to pass Obamacare, which is a golden goose for the organization.“Thanks to its cuts to Medicare Advantage, Obamacare is expected to expand the number of seniors buying “medigap” supplemental insurance plans,” The Washington Examiner explained in an editorial. “AARP controls 34 percent of the market for such plans. According to a 2011 House Ways and Means Committee report, AARP stands to make between $55 million and $166 million from Obamacare in 2014 alone.”

Now you don’t want credit for Obamacare?

Too late.  You broke the health care system, now you own Obamacare.

Tags: Health Care