Scott Brown “Bains” Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is running hard left in her rhetoric, but the reality is she served big companies in her extensive private legal practice and got paid big, big dollars for it.

At the first debate, Brown scored big points on Warren’s representation of Travelers, for which she earned $212,000 but which resulted in asbestos workers getting screwed.  That also sparked the inquiry into Warren’s failure to obtain a Massachusetts law license, an issue which has percolated widely for a week, and may yet break into the Boston media.  (The Globe has decided not to cover it, more on that in a later post.)

But it’s more than about Warren’s hypocrisy.  As someone who is running hard to the center, sometimes Brown needs to hit Warren from the left as well, not just from the right on taxes and jobs.

That’s where the lastest Brown ad about Warren’s representation of LTV Coal comes in.

The ad has the feel of  the anti-Bain ads run against Mitt Romney.  This fits with Brown’s overall strategy of peeling off union workers from the union bosses who are in the tank for each and every Democrat.  It’s a strategy which worked for Brown in 2010, when everyone was surprised that the union workers, some of whom were paid to picket for Martha Coakley, backed Brown.

Brown needs to keep hammering Warren.

A recent poll shows that a quarter of the electorate says that the Cherokee issue makes them less likely to vote for Warren.  While WaPo spins that as good for Warren, in a race which is dead even, an issue which makes a quarter of the electorate less likely to vote for a candidate is big.  Even 10% of Democrats say it makes them less likely to vote for Warren, along with 30% of independents.  (See page 44 of cross-tabs)

Warren’s law practice and the companies she represented have just as much potential.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown