The left must not have been mentally prepared for Obama’s stuttering, stammering, deer-in-the-headlights, dismal debate performance Wednesday night. Because the reaction from the left was total meltdown.
So I’ve compiled the best. Feel free to add your own in the comments.
The meltdown that started it all: Chris Matthews’s on Rachel Maddow’s post-debate coverage lost the tingles, which he followed up on Thursday’s Today segment with further lambasting of the Anointed One:
James Carville on CNN thought that Obama didn’t look happy to be there:
Mika Brzizinski of Morning Joe fumed, “that makes me sick to my stomach. He needs to engage in the next debate.” (H/T Gateway Pundit):
The president didn’t call him on these issues. Why? The president let Romney interrupt and talk over him. Why? The president didn’t even mention Romney’s secretly recorded statement about the “47 percent.” Why?
The passion that the president exhibits on the campaign trail never showed up on the debate stage. To my mind, that was a mistake.
Nor did the indefatigable Michael Moore disappoint:
The Huffington Post writes that in a Thursday-morning conference call with David Axelrod, they held him to the fire on Obama’s comment comparing Romney’s and his social security plans and quoted this man:
“Oh my God,” said Eric Kingson, co-chair of the Strengthen Social Security campaign. “That is really very sad. Mitt Romney has written about it in one of his books … It also speaks to a lack of appreciation for the importance of this institution to our country … It really is remarkable that a Democratic president at this point in time would not draw a very dramatic line. They probably have to say, ‘I made a mistake, I misspoke.'”

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Post debate spin is just starting to recover from the blowout. Now notice the AP headline. “Romney TRYING to seize momentum post-debate”
Trying?!?!? I think it’s pretty obvious the momentum shift was on the order of magnitude based on the President’s empty chair performance.
Update: The link I posted has shifted to a new story, in which the Jobs report gives a boost to Obama. Funny that, almost all of the jobs gained have been in the public sector. 10,000 in September, and 63,000 in July and August. Sounds to me like the Administration is piling on the taxpayer yet again.
They are not melting down anymore. They are accusing Mitt Romney of lying. They are trying to make Mitt untrustworthy and I think it might work if it is not stopped quickly.
Rush was right..the new Jobs number was 7.8% which means they are gaming the Mitt has to be more vigilent.
How much do you want to bet that unemployment rate will be “amended” in two months?
Numbers for unemployment rate just came out. Went down to 7.8 per cent. Will this have an effect on the election?
Expect Comrad Obama to release some US gas reserves to help the gas crisis and lower the prices at the pump. California has prices over $4.30/Gal
The unemployment “went down” but the new jobs added didn’t. Must be a mriacle, or the grim reality that more people have quit looking for employment or ran out of 99 weeks of unemployment.
His Obliqueness was there at the debate but his sycophants weren’t kept at a distance and not allowed to keep him afloat. All the hot air went rapidly out of the Obama balloon creating the sound of a debate fart.
(Was Obama wearing an Alfred E. Neuman disguise?)
It’s Friday correction: His Obliqueness was there at the debate but his sycophants WERE kept at a distance and not allowed to keep him afloat. All the hot air went rapidly out of the Obama balloon creating the sound of a debate fart.
(Was Obama wearing an Alfred E. Neuman disguise?)
Michael Moore (just threw up in my mouth a bit) asked what Obama was “told before the debate”. Obviously it was the bullshit numbers of the BLS to be released less than an hour ago.
Their melt down resulted in a pile up of what might be astronomically huge; don’t ask what’s it made of, can’t say that word in polite company! While today’s 7.8 % unemployment figure might be Obama’s first October surprise, his getting his sycophant Weinstein to release his “I killed UBL” movie on November 4th is more like a November surprise.
Who knew that UBL’s head made such a wonderful football (./ sarc off?) with such a long life to it.
We’ve always known that a president can manipulate news but the 7.8% and Obama’s UBL end zone spike is going beyond the pale.
OBTW: What happened after the first debate tween Obama and Romney? Obama’s rebound looks like the revenge of the Sith!
This is an opportunity for the MSM to actually “do their job” and report on the bogus numbers re the BLS….(snort)…sometimes I crack myself up:)
Their rage is understandable. In four years Obama has never been forced into a factual accounting of his ineptness or had to face even a follow-up question over his catastrophically failed policies. Romney’s recitation of facts as Obama stood miserably captive and royally nude before the American people was mortifying and infuriating to them. They were forced into ugly truths and fears their nearly total control of the media has spared them. This is how far gone we are — violent resentment and rage that their delicate Il Duce, after four years, had to endure a mere 90 minutes of unfiltered accountability. Of course, the deeper anxiety is that certain objective truths have reached critical mass and all they stand for is being seen for the ruinous failure it is and all they envision is collapsing before their eyes and NO amount of spin and lies will save them anymore.
When will the useful idiots in the Main Stream Media realize they will just be thrown under the buss like the rest of us? Our Republic is dying and they are actually in the cheering section giving comrad Obama / Soretoro advice!
Michael Moore: “What was he told before he went on Stage.”
Uhh Sir… actually if you recalculate the polls for the massive Republican turnout like we are expecting, you’ll probably lose all the swing states by about 5 points.
NYT: “The president didn’t call him on these issues. Why? The president let Romney interrupt and talk over him. Why? The president didn’t even mention Romney’s secretly recorded statement about the “47 percent.” Why?”
I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again. Because all the talking points on the left are lies and distortions. Even CNN says the 5 trillion tax cut is untrue, and the President didn’t even let it go AFTER the debate. Here’s how the 47% question would go:
O: “Uhh… you said.. uhh… that you just don’t care about 47% of Americans-”
R: “Look, Mr. President. I said that 47% of Americans were going to vote for you no matter what. I didn’t say that I didn’t care about them, and no I haven’t written them off. I think I’ve made it clear that my campaign will focus on providing relief to the middle class and getting our economy back on track in a way that will benefit all Americans. And let me make it clear that I also have no plan to cut programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. So why don’t we get back to how those 47% are doing after four years of your policies.”
I don’t think that’s an exchange that the President or his campaign team really want to see.
See, what is was is Obama is the president, see, and a darn good one, and what happened during the debate is that as president Obama understood that more important than the fact that Romney is his election opponent, Romney is also a tax-paying American citizen, and it would be rude for a president as wonderful as Obama to go on the attack against an American citizen, and so, to be the consummate professional, and to be the standard bearer of political ethics that he is, Obama had to let Romney speak and had to forego refuting or debating him. If you conservatives can’t understand, respect, and reward that, well, you don’t deserve to win.
Obama really threw the media off their game.
What the he!! did they think he was going to come up with to refute the truth. When all you’ve done for 4 years is lie about everything you’ve done and intend to do how can you possibly defend it? More lies only works if there’s no one there on the stage with you to refute it like today while he’s out there lying again. Romney will be just as prepared the next time as he was this time and all the lying by Obama and the sycophant press won’t save Obama from another whuppin.
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