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Feel Good Video of the Day

Feel Good Video of the Day

Via Twitter follower Michael Welsh comes this video of his son helping out at Lee Anderson’s headquarters. 

Anderson is on the Operation Counterweight Final List.  (You can contribute here.)

Considering how much time I spend having to cover fakers like Elizabeth Warren and psychos like Lawrence O’Donnell, seeing one of our fine youth helping the cause is a great way to end the day (via WAGT 26):


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Clicking on WAGT 26 ( ) goes to a webpage which has the video and an accompanying article.

It states that Samuel and Susie, his sister, “have made more than 4000 calls.” Also, it quotes Susie who said, “‘We want to get that message out and if we don’t put feet to our faith in what we believe then it won’t get out.'”

Viewing the video and reading the article is, indeed, a great way to end the day!

legacyrepublican | October 20, 2012 at 1:26 am

The best thing about ending the day on LI is knowing that Prof. Jacobson’s hard work has allowed us a place to have our voice heard when there is a mainstream media that wants to silence us instead. Thanks for all you do Prof. Jacobson!

DINORightMarie | October 20, 2012 at 8:46 am

I must say, as soon as I read that headline/title, I thought you were going to link to Michael Buble’s “Feeling Good” – as you tweeted!

That was very goo, too!! 😀

That young man has a bright future!