Facebook has threatened to permanently block Twitchy from posting. The Twitchy Facebook page is here and has over 40,000 followers.Apparently someone or some group of people complained that a photo featured in a Twitchy story violated Facebook’s “community standards.” The photo was used in a story about how Obama’s Twitter account subscribed to a porn star’s Twitter feed. Twitchy specifically blocked out the photo of the star, as set forth in this tweet:
An uncensored version of the above photo appears on a Twitter feed that President Barack Obama’s official Twitter account subscribes to.This morning we received a message from Facebook saying it removed a second post from our Facebook page. The message said we are being blocked from posting to our account for 24 hours and may be permanently banned from Facebook if we violate Facebook’s standards again. The message did not identify which post violated Facebook’s standards.When we try to post to our Facebook page, we get the following message:
You recently posted something that violates Facebook policies, so you’re temporarily blocked from using this feature. Learn More.To keep from getting blocked again, please make sure you’ve read and understand Facebook’s Community Standards.The block will be active for 23 hours more.
Twitchy was unable to find a contact information for Facebook on its page. So we complained to Facebook via its Twitter page:
The Twitchy folks have been very helpful to conservatives stuck in the Twitter gulag. Give Twitchy a hand, go to the link and retweet their tweets to Facebook.
I’ll also activate the Emergency Broadcast System, so send the Tweet from the link at the top of the sidebar. [now disabled]
Update from Twitchy:
Twitchy is no longer blocked from posting on Facebook. Twitchy’s posts were accidentally removed during Facebook’s review process.Many thanks to our contact at Facebook for addressing the issue. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to Twitchy readers for your support. Twitchy readers are the best! Many thanks to Glenn Reynolds and William Jacobson for writing about the Facebook block.Please make sure you’re following Instapundit and LegInsurrection on Twitter.