Election Day Empty Chair Countdown – Day 7

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012.

The countdown continues with 7 days to go.

With only a week to go, I thought I would ask LI readers about their GOTV efforts for November 6th.  It’s not just campaigns who go door-to-door, who stand out for their candidates with signs, and who actively help get voters to polls by driving those people (we know–be safe!)  in our communities who need rides.

Today’s Empty Chair photo was submitted by LI reader Tim who writes, “Will I run on my record? Well……SQUIRREL.”

What? My economic and jobs failures? . . . “Romnesia”!

What? My attacks on religious freedoms? . . . Binders!

What? Benghazi?   . . . Look over there, quick, it’s Big Bird!

(Note: DO NOT SEND additional photos, we are using only photos originally submitted on National Empty Chair Day.)

Tags: Empty Chair