Election Day Empty Chair Countdown – Day 29

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012.

The countdown continues with 29 days to go.

Today’s heart-felt Empty Chair photo comes to us from Doug, Sue, Jed, and Jessica in South Carolina.  The sign on their empty chair reads:

This chair has been empty for four long years.As a small, family-owned business that we did build, we offer it to any businessman who needs refuge from the current unfriendly administration.We welcome one businessman in particular . . .Welcome Romney!

Now that’s an invitation I hope is accepted on November 6th, made possible by the American people who understand that “You didn’t build that” is an insult to small business owners across this great land.

(Note: DO NOT SEND additional photos, we are using only photos originally submitted on National Empty Chair Day.)

Tags: Empty Chair