Election Day Empty Chair Countdown – Day 24

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012.

The countdown continues with 24 days to go.

There are some truly creative and fabulous Empty Chair photos that I’d like to share with LI readers.  Because there are so many great submissions and so few days until Election Day,  the occasional multi-photo post is in order (and even then we may not get to them all).

I hope you enjoy these, they made me think.  And sometimes laugh.  Out loud.

The first entry was submitted by Olaf from Minnesota, who writes, “Hope to change the course of our country lest it becomes extinct.”

Hopefully, in 24 days, we will change the course of our country.

This next from John in Texas is priceless.

Not exactly Air Force One.

Next up is Lostman’s contribution from Florida.

I don’t think he buys that the Empty Chair prez has been focused like a laser on jobs since Day 1.

Bill from Texas sent in the following photo.

That’s a basketball hoop in the background.

Lloyd and JoAnne from North Carolina submitted an innovative photo.

The sign reads: “9-3-12 National Empty Commode Chair Day.”

From Doug in Wisconsin comes this gem.

The sign reads: “Nope. Gotta Let Him Go Nov 6.”  Hear, hear!

(Note: DO NOT SEND additional photos, we are using only photos originally submitted on National Empty Chair Day.)

Tags: Empty Chair