Dems more riveted by celebrity photo shoot than Benghazi

If you had hoped that the Democrats were just as riveted as the American public by the findings of  Cong. Darrell Issa’s Committee on Oversight & Government Reform on the security failures in Benghazi, you’d be wrong.

It seems the Democrats have more important events to attend than hearings revealing the pathetic lack of security and ensuing obfuscation by the Obama administration, which appears to have blatantly lied for seven days to the American people about the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on our embassy in Libya.

They’ve been taping their mouths shut and posing with gang-sign-like gestures and temporary (we hope) tattoos as part of a photo shoot with “celebrity photographer” Adam Bouska for today’s “National Coming Out Day”:

Sheila Jackson Lee? Check. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? Check. Charlie Rangel? Check. Jan Schakowsky, with a Rosie-the-Riveter pose? Check.

They all had time for the celebrity photo shoot.

Check to see if your esteemed representative is one of the 26 members of Congress lending their celebrity visage to the campaign.