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Well, they do say a picture is worth

Well, they do say a picture is worth

16 trillion words.

From reader Scott in western upstate New York:

Saw this sticker at my local Wegman’s today and had to share. Good sticker.


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don't tread 2012 | September 15, 2012 at 7:28 am

I support Israel, and I vote!

The flag he won’t defend. The Constitution he despises and ignores. The principle (American exceptionalism) he disdains and dismisses. Excellent bumper sticker.

Wait for it. Obama’s Sharia Complaint Anti-“Blaspheme” Bill will be heading to a Congress near you. And the Liberal Media Complex will be all over it like white on rice. No Wait. They will support it.

70% of Americans surveyed opposed the Ground Zero Mosque and the NYC Trials for the 911 Jihadists.

Think Mr Preezy will get us all on board to make it illegal to express opinions?

When hell freezes over…

Too bad it doesn’t affect him like a cross does a vampire.

So simple, even a liberal could understand it. On second thought, they won’t.