Warren-Brown Post-Debate Analysis (Videos added)

I will add to this, and embed videos when available, but here’s my quick take.  (Full video here)

Very strong opening for Brown on fake Cherokee issue.  He didn’t handle it the way I would have, but he picked an issue — the release of her employment records — and stuck to it.  (added) In hindsight, focusing on releasing records was brilliant, because Warren has a major problem, she likely made or participated in causing Harvard to make false federal filings as to her Native American status using standard Harvard and EEOC definitions.

Very unofficial transcript:

i think what you’re referring to is the fact that professor warren claims she is a native american and as you can see, she’s not. she checked the box and she had an opportunity to make a decision throughout her career when she applied to pen and harvard and checked the box claiming she was a native american. clearly she’s not. i don’t know and neither do the viewers know whether she got ahead as a result of that checking of the box, but the only way that we’ll be able to find that out is to have her release her personnel records, have harvard release their personnel records so make sure that she did not have an advantage that others were entitled to. when you are a united states senator tough pass a test, one of character and honest and truthfulness

Warren was reduced to telling her family lore stories..

This is my family, this is who I am …  I can’t and won’t change who I am, I am who I am.

Warren’s family lore has been debunked, but it’s her story. But it would have been hard for Brown to get into those weeds. Warren likely has focus group tested her approach. Brown needs to focus next time on her attempt to take advantage and how she signed forms with definitions of Native American which she cannot possibly meet based on family lore.

Brown spent the rest of the night hitting two themes, will not raise taxes and supports job creation:

If you want someone to spend your tax dollars, give them to Professor Warren.

Warren probably got the better, in liberal Massachusetts, on social issues using the War on Women theme.  Brown deflected it, but it probably stirred up the base.

Warren didn’t land many blows, but Brown hit her very hard at the end on two points. When Warren brought up the high cost of college, Brown hammered her on her lavish salary and perks.

When Warren tried to say that Brown sided with big companies, Brown lowered the boom on something most viewers probably didn’t know, that Warren represented Travelers Insurance Co. and was paid $225,000 to defeat asbestos claims.  Brown harped on it, and because most viewers probably didn’t know, I think it hurt.

Brown also gave multiple shout outs to union members, including on the Keystone Pipeline.  Remember, the unions supported Coakley in 2010, but the members voted with Brown.

I imagine supporters will still support each, but even putting aside my disdain for Warren and trying to be as neutral as I can, I think Brown helped himself tonight.  It wasn’t a knockout, but he won easily on points because Warren needed to demonize him, and he came across as he always comes across, as a regular guy the people can relate to.

Related – Aleister at American Glob, Scott Brown Won Tonight’s Debate Hands Down.

Flash poll — Brown Wins

Fifty percent (50%) of voters who watched tonight’s U.S. Senate debate between Senator Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren said the Senator won, with 40% saying that Warren won the debate (6% thought it was a tie and 4% were undecided) according to a Kimball Political Consulting survey of “likely voters” in Massachusetts.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown