Tonight Dems will stand and cheer an ethnic fraud

Tonight at the DNC Elizabeth Warren will deliver a high profile, coveted introduction of Bill Clinton.

Democrats in the arena will stand and wildly cheer as Warren delivers what is sure to be a rousing speech of economic demagoguery in which she lashes out at big business and those who game the system to gain unfair advantage.

Many if not most of the delegates in the arena will have heard, at least at a cursory level, that the person who stands before them is an ethnic fraud, but they will not care.

Elizabeth Warren’s ethnic fraud in falsely and strategically claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee, has been documented here so many times, you may have grown weary of hearing facts you have heard before.   So here’s a new fact.

This is how Harvard defines what it means to be Native American for employment in 2012.  One has to show not only actual Native American ancestry, but also that one is affiliated with a tribe or has embraced the Native American community in some meaningful way.

We don’t know what the forms Elizabeth Warren signed at Harvard starting in 1992 show, because neither Warren nor Harvard will release her records.

But we do know that as much as Cherokee genealogists have debunked Warren’s claim of actual Cherokee ancestry, no one, not even Warren’s campaign, claims Warren maintained cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.

Yet to this day Warren insists she is Native American, and we can assume has continued her pattern of reporting herself as such for employment and federal reporting purposes.

As much disgust as Republicans have at Elizabeth Warren’s economic demagoguery, even Democrats should be disgusted at someone who took advantage of the historical injustices visited upon the Cherokee for her own professional purposes, then cast them aside when no longer needed.

So when Elizabeth Warren stands tall on stage to the adulation and cheers of the DNC crowd, know that what they are cheering is an ethnic fraud.

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Tags: Elizabeth Warren