Operation Counterweight Upstate NY Week – Chris Gibson (NY-19)

Each day this week we will focus on one of the Upstate New York races included in Operation Counterweight.  As mentioned before, Upstate NY is critical to holding the House, as several seats were gained by Republicans in an otherwise blue state in 2010.  There also are good chances to flip one or two seats away from vulnerable Democrats.

We hope you will make a donation to each of the campaigns this week, as even small amounts of money help the campaigns in these mostly rural districts.

As before, these analyses were prepared by a Cornell student who wishes to remain anonynous.


With less than 60 days to election day, the Upstate New York Congressional races included in Operation Counterweight have started to heat up.

As described in last month’s update of Operation Counterweight, Freshman Congressman and Retired U.S. Army Colonel Chris Gibson faces Democratic challenger Julian Schreibman, a lawyer from Stone Ridge, NY.  The District, NY-19, is a mostly rural district.

In mid-August, Schreibman’s own internal polling showed him down by 10% to Gibson, although Gibson faces clear challenges in a newly drawn district with slightly more favorability for Democrats. From the polling, Gibson does appear to be the favorite and the new parts of the district may ultimately favor Gibson.

As it has done across the country, the DCCC recently began running Mediscare commercials against Gibson that target his votes for the Ryan Budget. Joining the DCCC is the Democratic Super-PAC, House Majority PAC, which is purchasing its own multi-million dollar “Mediscare” ad buys against Gibson. The DCCC and House Majority PAC are likely wary of Gibson’s success appealing to retired and rural voters, who comprise the district’s crucial demographics.

Here is an interesting article discussing the candidates’ divisions over Education policy, although even Schreibman has expressed dissatisfaction with federal policy under No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top.

Check out Chris Gibson’s campaign website.

Please donate to the campaign here.

Tags: Operation Counterweight