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Nickelodeon promotes Jason Biggs lewd Twitter account

Nickelodeon promotes Jason Biggs lewd Twitter account

Twitchy reports that parents are pressuring advertisers and calling on Nickelodeon to stop promoting Jason Biggs, and in particular that the network stop linking directly to his twitter account, where lewd and off-color tweets have recently made headlines:

As Twitchy reported last night, Nickelodeon is actively promoting the Twitter feed of actor Jason Biggs. Kids who follow Nickelodeon’s @TMNTMaster — an account that boasts nearly 2,400 followers — are literally one click away from this filth. Women’s rights groups such as the National Organization of Women, have yet to speak out, but concerned parents and others are calling on Nickelodeon’s advertisers to disassociate themselves from Biggs and his foul, hate-filled tweets.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles twitter “@TMNTMaster”, an official show account marketed to and targeted at children, tweeted out links to Bigg’s account:

Biggs, who lends his voice to the upcoming Nickelodeon show “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” deleted many of the most graphic tweets directed at Paul Ryan and his wife, but hasn’t stopped, including the following recent items [sexual content and language warning]:

Biggs’s wife, Jenny Mollen, has similar not-for-children (or adults?) content on her twitter account:

Nickelodeon has thus waded, like so many other large companies this year, into the political zone, as one of its upcoming stars reveals highly partisan, but more importantly, lewd speech that frightens any parents whose children might be watching the show or its star , and who could very likely be following either of their official accounts on twitter.

Twitchy lists the current advertisers to the network at the end of this article, which include Kraft Foods, General Mills, Mattel, Kellogg, Target (once again), Nintendo, Kleenex, McDonald’s, etc. In the meantime, companies continue to invite the rancor of their consumers by haphazardly either embracing or sanctioning content from the partisan to the profane by their brand managers and brand ambassadors.

In this case, parents are livid at the company’s actions; what will the Nickelodeon parent company Viacom’s shareholders say? Their ratings are already down 20-30 percent this year. Can they afford ignoring parents’ concerns and both supporting and promoting Biggs’s twitter account on top of their lagging ratings?


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Cassandra Lite | September 2, 2012 at 5:24 pm

That’s quite the classy couple. Not quite Nick and Nora Charles, or John and Abigail Adams. The best we can hope for with them is a Romeo and Juliet ending.

    He is a complete fool. No big surprise there, he is from Hollyweird. It is that combination of having a small hit (which gave him a financial cushion) in an environment that does not have the normal stresses and obligations that force a person to grow up.

    The utter crassness of his attack warrants a full blown counter costing him his job and immediate employment. Society should not tolerate such behavior. Even Lindsay Lohan, with the exception of impaired driving, is more of a threat to herself than others.

    So complain. A lot. Nickelodeon will drop him. They probably do not yet know what he said. It is so unjustifiable and so misogynistic, he will be gone. If they do not, then the circle should be expanded to Nickelodeon.

    I am no prude. Crassness is fine. But vile attacks should and can not be tolerated.

More shows of the “class” of the Collectivist.

People like me don’t even talk about the women in our family in public…or private on many issues.

Disgusting people. They think they’re funny? All they reveal is the gutter mind of the Left.

And I guess statutory rape is kewl with Jenny Mollen.

What a sorry b!tch.

    VetHusbandFather in reply to Ragspierre. | September 2, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    It does not surprise me, she has also bragged about hiring a prostitute to spend the night with her and her husband for one of his birthdays.

    persecutor in reply to Ragspierre. | September 3, 2012 at 9:44 am

    Reading her Tweets reminds me of a line from the old movie Arthur: “One usually has to go to a bowling alley to meet a woman like that.”

I don’t think companies get what twitter is. Neither do these idiots like Biggs, who reveal their true selves on twitter.

So what will nickelodeon do when more atttention come to this? I just looked at Bigg’s twitter log, ewww, there’s even worse nonsense this freak has tweeted on.

1. But remember, opposing gay marriage is just like wanting Jim Crow back.

2. Perverts. Is sex with children the next Great Moral Crusade for Roman Polanski’s Hollywood?

3. I’m a libertarian, but it’s a sign of decadence that this kind of stuff is being pushed into the mainstream. Ben Franklin warned that at some point a people can only be governed by despotism.

    When you throw into this the fact that America’s least sexy slut, Sandra Fluck, will be speaking at the Democrat convention, a certain surrealness comes over everything.

    On one hand, we don’t want to be reactionary and punish these morons for their private behavior. But yet on the other hand, we need to punish the corporations honoring them with attention and employment.

    I practice what I preach — I didn’t even know who these idiots were until I read about it on this clearly sensationalistic website.

    (Does anyone know where you can see the nude photos?)

I hope to goodness these pukes are incapable of reproduction.

I would be a hypocrite if I tried to boycott them. I got rid of Nick years ago.

I would be a hypocrite if I tried to boycott them. I got rid of Nick years ago. It seems to have proven to be the right thing to have done, then and now.

A lady she is not. And Biggs? This is the guy who’s famous for sticking his personables in an apple pie.

Actually that’s not really true. It was more Shannon Elizabeth’s breasts and Stiffler that made him famous. Because if you’re honest, those two are the only reason that movie was popular.

JimMtnViewCaUSA | September 2, 2012 at 6:28 pm

A pattern, papers write stories with lies but which pushes an agenda. Movies are made which are offensive and don’t sell but push an agenda. Schools do a poor job of educating but push an agenda.
And Nickelodeon hires disgusting “stars” who twitter their culture war broadsides.

I would add Netflix to the list. As they purchase the content to include on their site.

I think, in some states, she could be in legal trouble for that statement.
people just need to shut the hell up and stop tweeting their every sexual fantasy.

Wow. They really enjoy provoking a reaction. It seems that sadists have embraced the Democrat ticket. I wonder if this will increase or decrease the appeal of transgressive principles to their fictional, illegal, and masochistic base.

I had no idea who Jason Biggs was until today.

He and his wife are quite the classy couple. Perhaps Obama will invite them to speak at the convention.

VetHusbandFather | September 2, 2012 at 8:01 pm

Wow possibly the most disappointing this is realizing that this idiot is voicing Leonardo. Talk about childhood memories shattered.

Another proud moment for Democrats. I think I’ll print out a few choice quotes and send ’em off to my aging Democrat family members, along with a “Proud to be Democrat” bumpersticker. I’m slowly transferring my stack of such stickers to them.

I started out with 100 stickers and every time some bile like this floats to the surface I send the quote along with another sticker to a half-dozen or so select relatives and family friends. By the election I’m sure the stack will be gone.

    n.n in reply to K. | September 2, 2012 at 8:45 pm

    It’s liberal, it’s generational progressive, it’s a selective reality. Whether arising from the natural order or a cultural disposition, there are no objective standards. It’s all “normal”. That’s the premise for transgressive evolution.

[…] form a social conservative* – but this garbage that Jason Briggs spews out on a regular basis is not kid-friendly.  And before you ask me why that matters, this is why that matters: #NIckTurtles is coming, and […]

Sounds to me jasons firing blanks from a snub nosed pistol with no rifling. I’m talking about his humor ,not his sexual prowess. As for that it sounds like he prefers his wife not be involved. I suspect shes on board with that. Its the ideal lefty lib match. . . See jason , this is how putdown humor is done , no blatant crudity or obsenitys. You can do this when your minds not rotted out with STDs.

Okay, I guess I’m out of it. Who are these people and why are children watching their television show or doing tweeting?

Not so very long ago, our public square was not polluted by vulgar language and degrading behavior. Celebrities, business owners, and corporations rarely revealed their political opinions. We were a much more polite, moral, and ethical people when I was Jason’s age. His conduct would not have been tolerated by decent society, as it was then called. But back then, Americans were generally united in their standards of behavior and their understanding of a well-ordered society. Progressives had not yet taken over every public institution, communications and media network, and government at all levels.

If you’re less than 50 years of age, you won’t believe this next point at all — for most of our nation’s history, doctors and lawyers did not advertise. It was deemed unethical and unprofessional. Yes, it’s not directly relevant to this post, but it’s all part and parcel of an entirely different American society that younger Americans simply cannot envision.

I do want to turn back the clock to a better, nicer, more functional America, the one in which I grew up. That sentiment does not mean that I want to own a slave or thrash street urchins with my ebony walking stick. Well, not necessarily.

[…] is actively linking to his lewd Twitter account – Nickelodeon should drop this creep pronto. —–…itter-account/ Twitchy reports that parents are pressuring advertisers and calling on Nickelodeon to stop […]

Is sex with children the next Great Moral Crusade for Roman Polanski’s Hollywood?

That’s already going around the lefty circles.

I’m a libertarian

I sympathize with a lot of Libertarianism, but there is a limit to behavior, if a society is to survive.

I was actually shocked when I read he and his wife’s comments. They sound like pedophiles or wannabe pedophiles. And like sex addicts. They had sexual photos posted also.

I swear to God, is all big media so anxious to push the envelope for attention and $$, that this is what they want: putrified content for attention’s sake? Any press is good press?

These are seriously damaged narcissists, who are continually starving for attention. Instead of going on a shooting rampage, they have other means to shock the world and get headlines.

We need to punish the companies promoting and hiring them.

Change your life: don’t watch their tv shows, don’t buy their songs, nor read their magazines and books, nor go to their movies, nor visit their websites. Until we start doing that, there’s nothing to complain about.

(I’ll ask one more time: does anyone know where we can see the nude photos?)

The truly odd bit, to my mind, is that Mullen has taken to complaining about free speech, after she & her husband have gotten push-back about their comments. She seems to think that other people reacting to their words is in some way suppressing their rights.

It would not seem to have occurred to her that part of free speech is taking responsibility for one’s words, nor that others exercising their rights is also free speech.

[…] News has picked up this story so it will run but what do the tweets say and what the hell is “lewd and off-color […]

Why would Jason Biggs engage the children Nickelodeon’s promotion brought to his venue in sexual chit chat?

What motives drive a grown man like Jason Biggs to engage in sexual chit chat with children young enough to be Ninja Turtle fans?

Was your child lured to this grown man’s venue by Nickelodeon so he could engage them in sexual chit chat?

If you found out that a grown man was engaging your child in sexual chit chat over the internet would you be concerned? Would you report the incidence to authorities?