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Elizabeth Warren claims has released college and law school applications

Elizabeth Warren claims has released college and law school applications

Denies Cherokee issue is a problem for her campaign

Elizabeth Warren appeared yesterday on the Jim and Margery radio show in Boston.

There were two significant points raised regarding the Cherokee controversy.

First, Warren denied that the controversy and the demand even by Democratic Native Americans to meet with her is a problem for her campaign (at 0:25 of audio embedded below):

Q.  … these Native American Democrats, like so many others, don’t believe your denials.  This continues to be a huge problem for you, doesn’t it?

A. Well, you know, I don’t think so, um, it’s been pretty clear all along,  I know what my mother told me and I know what our family grew up with, uh, but I think what matters most now in this election is what are we going to do for the families here in Massachusetts ….

The whole world understands that the Cherokee issue is a problem, yet Warren persists in the alternative universe that it’s not.

The questioning, while well intentioned, missed the point that all reporters have missed. The issue is not whether Warren obtained a benefit, which is what Warren wants to focus on but as to which she refuses to release employment-related records. Rather, the issue is whether Warren tried to obtain a benefit she did not deserve, which she undoubtedly did.

Second, and perhaps most important, Warren defended herself by asserting that she has released her college and law school applications (question starting at 1:15, quote at 1:45):

“People have seen my college applications, my law school applications … “

(Full audio here, excerpt below.)


If Warren released her college and law school applications, that would be news to me.  As closely as I have followed Warren’s bobbing and weaving explanations, I’ve yet to see and am unable to find her college and law school applications.

Maybe I’ve missed something.  If anyone can find copies of the Warren’s college and law school applications, please post the link in the comments.

Or maybe, listening to her wording very carefully, it depends on what the meaning of “people have seen” is.

Update:  A reader emails a link to an AP report as to Warren’s student application to Rutgers Law School: “Records show Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren identified her race as “white” on an employment record at the University of Texas and declined to apply for admission to Rutgers Law School under a program for minority students.  The records were obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday. ”

The AP report does not address Warren’s college application, which she references in her statement.  AP also does not identify the document it saw as to the Rutgers law “program for minority students,” so we don’t know if it was Warren’s application or some other document.  Also, failing to apply for a minority program is not the same thing as how she self-identified.  As the article further notes, “Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown has called on Warren to release all law school applications and personnel files from the universities where she taught,” none of which have been disclosed.

Warren is in an obvious bind.  If Warren didn’t self-identify as Native American when she was younger and supposedly took at face value the strong family lore, why did she begin doing so as a law professor in the mid-1980s?


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Most likely translation from DemSpeak: “The *admissions committees* of A, B and C colleges and X, Y and Z law schools have seen my college applications, my law school applications…”

posted excerpt and video too,
snipped a lot to drive traffic to here for comments, let me know if you need more removed

9thDistrictNeighbor | September 8, 2012 at 12:39 pm

Yes, “people have seen my” applications and have “interviewed everybody who hired me for every job I’ve gotten”—that’s called the admissions committee and checking her references.

Margery did a great job of interrupting and bringing Warren back to the question at hand after Warren bridged to what she wanted to talk about instead. Her stick seems to be that this is all “pretty clear” and has been “pretty clear all along”—this is her mother’s story, her family story. It’s what she knows, but she didn’t take any advantage from it.

At the end of the interview she said she was going to stick to the issues and that “this race is about whose side we stand on”. All I could think about when she said that was the old 1930s union song, “Which side are you on?” I continue to be amazed that the Democrat party thinks they can resurrect the glory days of FDR.

    9thDistrictNeighbor in reply to 9thDistrictNeighbor. | September 8, 2012 at 12:41 pm

    I also noticed that she called in to the show at 9:02 a.m.–after the morning drive-time when more people would be listening.

    “this race is about whose side we stand on”

    Not really. For the magic thinkers of the Collective, it’s really about whose NECK you stand on.


    As a lawyer, Liz was “fair”,
    But to be “Prof” she had to share
    MINORITY traits that just weren’t there.
    Oh, poor Lizzy.

    And then she had a wicked dream,
    She’d steal a “Cherokee Nation” theme,
    Theft of a race was her crazy scheme,
    Crazy, crazy Lizzy.

    Harvard bought the lie real fast,
    And Liz kept lying to the last!
    She could deceive with stunning class!
    Dirty, dirty Lizzy.

    Now Cherokees kept perfect lists,
    Of their descendants in our midst,
    And Lizzy’s name did not exist!
    Oh, oh Lizzy.

    But when confronted by her fraud,
    Liz attacked–she wasn’t awed
    By truth, or even Indian Gods
    Danger, danger Lizzy!

    Now Massachusetts must decide,
    If Liz, with BO right at her side,
    Can mock both state and indian pride.
    No way, Lizzy.


What is she polling at in MA against Brown right now?

If she is behind, you’d think she would try to be open about her past, apologize and then move on…….but somehow she just can’t. Leftists just don’t seem to be able to step away from their self-delusional naval-gazing and see REALITY.

Hope she is down by at least 10!! I’m no Scott Brown fan, alas, since his record is SO liberal; however, Lizzie Warren would be a nightmare by comparison – horrible!!

    Scott Brown is getting a lot handed to him. This morning on Twitter I noticed a tweet from @ColinReedMA who is suppose to be his communications director for South Boston. Funny thing… he only has 351 followers and has only tweeted 121 times. What kind of communications director would be ignoring Twitter?

    Somewhere along the way, Scott is going to have to start making some noise.

Only thing that could probably help Lizzie, even if the poor soul wins is Thorazine and a securely strapped gurney.

Gosh, then we would need several or many for the other souls, afflicted with the same disorder of the mind..

A new internet meme is born?

“People have seen…” Bigfoot? Aliens? Chupa Cabra?

I read on Breitbart the woman is a fraud and liar! Can this be true?!?

Do the Republicans ever get sick of this sh*t? I mean, the rest of us, the forgotten and disdained conservative voters and citizens certainly do, and we wear our disgust on our sleeves. But does the establishment? Does Scott Brown ever wake up and say, “wtf are we putting up with here? Who is this woman? Why is she even still operating in the public realm?” Do these people have a sane threshold of tolerance for these liars and civic perverts, these pillagers of public trust like Elizabeth Warren? Why is this woman even still showing her face in public? What level of self-disrespect does the GOP have to reach before it says “enough is enough” and organizes its people and resources to take a stand, to commit itself to obliterating this poisonous lying wretch from the political landscape, or put itself on the line in the effort?

    p.r.o.t.o in reply to raven. | September 8, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    The establishment GOP can’t do anything. There’s a “war on women’ dontcha know? No Raven, we’re going to have to do this on an individual, “annoy our Facebook friends” level. If the GOP even *looks* at Lizzie, the will be a media sh*t storm of epic proportions.

“People have seen my college applications, my law school applications … “

Perhaps that statement would be more accurate if Lizzy had liberally sprinkled a few “some”s and “some of”s in there.

This seems to be the lastest dope on the paperwork in question, Professor, although I’m not sure there’s anything there that wasn’t out last May.

However, for what it’s worth:

“No Way, Lizzy”

As a lawyer, Liz was “fair”,
But to be “Prof” she had to share
MINORITY traits that just weren’t there.
Poor, poor, Lizzy.

And then she had a wicked dream,
She’d steal a “Cherokee Nation” theme,
Theft of a race was her crazy scheme,
Crazy, crazy Lizzy.

Harvard bought the lie real fast,
And Liz kept lying to the last!
She could deceive with stunning class!
Dirty, dirty Lizzy.

Now Cherokees kept perfect lists,
Of their descendants in our midst,
And Lizzy’s name did not exist!
Oh, oh Lizzy.

But when confronted by her fraud,
Liz attacked–she wasn’t awed
By truth, or even Indian Gods
Danger, danger Lizzy!

Now Massachusetts must decide,
If Liz, with BO right at her side,
Can mock both state and indian pride.
No way, Lizzy.


TrooperJohnSmith | September 8, 2012 at 8:06 pm

Of course she didn’t play the Cherokee Princess card at UT. Hell, half of Oklahoma and a lot of people in Texas can claim a helluva lot more than 1/32 Cherokee or other tribe. If she ran that game down here, she’d just get a resounding response of, “So what!” Or more likely, “Cut the bullsh!t, Lizzy.”

Only effete, northeastern, Ivy League, elites would even be remotely impressed by someone who was a freakin’ one thirty-second Indian. Ah, yes, such revelations gladden the martini-deadened sensibilities of this crowd. The truth is they don’t know enough to know they are getting smoke blown up their asses by an expert.

Then, like Warren, when they know they’ve been had, their fragile egos prevent them from reversing course, regardless of the damage staying pat might do.

Trust me. Any damning declarations on her records of a race other than vanilla, white-bread, Oklahoma cracker, will be artfully expunged from the record, probably by some fellas from Chicago.

I believe Warren! She speaks 1/32 of the truth!

Every.stinking.time. one of her commercials play here stating “the system is rigged” my thought is ‘maybe, maybe not: since your party is the one of quotas and set-asides, I’m not surprised it’s a plank of your campaign. You sure gamed it, dintcha Lizzie’.

Warren is hardly out of the mainstream of Democratic politics in blatantly lying about her prior transparency. Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Wasserman-Schultz set the tone. Warren is in perfect harmony.

She’s a cinch to be a Commissar in Soviet America. When she’s really an Agent of The People, though, her bodyguards won’t rough up the inquisitive, they will just shoot them.