It seems that all anyone is talking about is polling showing Obama pulling ahead. Some of the polling says a little, some says a lot at least in certain swing states, particularly Ohio.
I understand and have listened to all of the explanation as to why the polling is skewed by the turnout models used. And why the obsessive media coverage of polls is just PSYOPs.
But still … can it really be that skewed?
Well, could anyone have predicted prior to 2008 that 2008 would be the death of even the pretense of media neutrality?
Will 2012 be to the credibility of the polling industry what 2008 was to the credibility of the mainstream media?
I don’t have the answer.
I just keep thinking, is Ohio really going to stick it to the rest of the country? Can Ohioans really be falling for Obama’s Hope and Change sideshow again. Do Ohioans really want free phones more than a free country?
Is Ohio really going to subject the nation to another 4 years of this?
I hope not.
Update: A reader sends this video:
And then I noticed this from Weasel Zippers, MSNBC Caught Doctoring Footage From Romney Rally: