When we walked on the moon

Those of us of a certain age have the memories.

I was 10 years old at sleep away camp.  I remember them bringing us into the rec hall to watch on the black and white televisions.  I can’t tell you whether it was live or a replay, but they wanted us to see it.  At that age it didn’t mean much, then.

It means so much more now, when I think where we are as a country.

In this moment of remembrance on the death of Neil Armstrong, I’m actually quite sad.  And not just because of his death.

Added:  A family friend worked at Grumman on Long Island, which built the landing module.  He gave us a really detailed model of the landing module, about 8 inches high on a circular board with the Grumman and NASA insignias.  I kept it for many years, but don’t have it any more.

Here’s the image of the model:

This video is quite good:

Why I’m so sad:

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