Democrats are getting really punchy.
Elizabeth Warren’s “cab driver” attacked a videographer the other day, and a week ago a Democratic candidate in Virginia-05 took the law into his own hands as well, via NBC29:
Eight seconds of video from a General John Douglass political event in Farmville earlier this month is bubbling up into the 5th District congressional race Thursday night.In the video Douglass, the Democratic candidate, swats at a cameraman recording at the public event. The Douglass campaign says even though the event was open to the public, their candidate was trying to have a private conversation with a voter.
Douglass claimed he “swatted” the videographer because he was trying to have a private conversation (in the middle of a crowded area?):
“We regret that these things happen, but you know, it was a situation where we were trying to keep him out of a private conversation and it was one of his trackers, and that lady wanted to talk to me about some private issues,” said Douglass.
Douglass is trying to unseat first term Republican Robert Hurt who took out Tom Periello in 2010.
John Douglass, who are you?