Conservatives – good at buycotts, bad at boycotts

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day has proven something I’ve noticed before.

Conservatives are very good at buycotts, but very bad at boycotts.

There have been attempts by some conservative and religious groups to boycott various businesses over political issues. But I can’t think of one, at least not recently, that has caught on.

Or that has been as nasty, vicious and sustained as the boycotts and intimidation of businesses run by Color of Change, The “Human Rights Campaign,” Media Matters, the anti-Israel BDS movement, and other left wing groups.

I’m not saying there haven’t been conservatives who have tried to run nasty and vicious boycotts, but doing so on a regular and sustained basis is the province of the left.  And the left does it so much better.

Today proves, however, that conservatives can do buycotts quite well.

I think the buycott-boycott divide reflects the personalities of the conservative and liberal movements in the age of Obama.

The threat to free speech represented by the actions of the liberal political leaderships in Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, D.C., New York, and Philadelphia should be the ultimate wake up call.

If given the chance, the liberal boycott movement will cross the line, and there will be many politicians willing to help them do it.

Which is why it is so important to fight the boycotts — don’t let them get near the line.

Update:  h/t HotAir

Tags: BDS, boycott, Conservatives, Liberals, Media Matters, Mormon Boycott