Elizabeth Warren damages two campaigns with one rant

Elizabeth Warren’s viral rant about evil factory owners who live off others has damaged the Obama campaign, which foolishly inserted similar language into the teleprompter which then was read by Obama.

The “you didn’t build that” narrative was more than a single line, it was an articulation of Obama’s political ethos, and it is the centerpiece of an effective Romney campaign theme which shows no signs of letting up.

But Warren also has hurt her own campaign, as reintroduction of that rant from last fall on the national stage has opened the road for Scott Brown to hammer Warren as an elitist, out-of-touch radical who has departed from the Democratic heroes of Massachusetts past:

Warren has tried to talk out of both sides of her mouth, espousing collectivist views which do not play even in Masschusetts while presenting herself as just a hard working middle class gal in her massive advertising.

Warren’s Cherokee problem exposed her a poseur, and the “you didn’t build that” rant exposed her as …

Maybe Brown should have used the line “there she goes again.”

Update:  I just noticed this frame near the end of the video:

Brown and Romney need to roll out commercials featuring this image…

You own a lemonade stand, kid, good for you … but I want to be clear, those lemons were moved to market on roads the rest of us paid for ….

Tags: Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown