We need a conservative from Maryland in the U.S. Senate

It has been too long, far too long. 26 years long. To put it in perspective, the last time Maryland was represented by a Republican in the Senate, Ronald Reagan was still plotting his “tear down this wall” moment, Steve Jobs had just been kicked out of Apple, and the New York Mets were fresh off their (still) most recent World Series victory.

2012, however, could finally be the year that Republicans reclaim a U.S. Senate seat in Maryland. The race is already set and Republican candidate Dan Bongino, former U.S. Secret Service agent and NYPD officer, stands against Ben Cardin, the incumbent Democrat.

Thus far this year, conservatives have made it our mission to put truly conservative individuals in office, and replace the numerous hopelessly entrenched incumbents.

Now that the Affordable Care Act has been upheld by the Supreme Court, this mission has become significantly more important. We have one final hill upon which to make our last stand, Capitol Hill.

We’ve spent a lot of time this primary season ousting “establishment” Republicans, a necessary a task. But let’s not forget about our friends across the aisle who need a forced exit from public service as well.

Ben Cardin is a quintessential “career politician,” and one who got his start in public life by taking over for his Uncle Maurice more than 40 years ago. Since then, he’s had a great deal of success getting elected and reelected to various offices. A little background on Cardin:

First of all, it bears reminding readers that Ben Cardin won his 2006 election by just 10 points over Michael Steele. Obviously that was a sub-par year for Republicans overall, but whatever the case Cardin won his sixteenth election in a row, continuing a streak which then dated back 40 years to his 1966 win for a House of Delegates seat given up by his uncle, Maurice Cardin. Ben parlayed that win into five terms in the Maryland House of Delegates, ten terms in the House of Representatives, and his first statewide win in 2006.

It’s time for him to go.

This race will be a tough one. A party doesn’t retain a stronghold on a state for over a quarter of a century without reason, but Dan Bongino has a chance in 2012 to be the one who finally breaks that hold.

Following this week’s health care decision by the Supreme Court, Bongino released a statement calling for the repeal of Obamacare:

This is a serious blow to the freedoms of all Americans. The only option left for protecting our freedoms and pursuing effective solutions to our health care challenges is to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.A majority of Americans support this choice. To do so, we must elect new voices to represent us in Congress. The choice is now between the path of massive government bureaucracy and crony capitalism that has produced the lingering recession we face now or a return to the freedoms and opportunities that have always led to prosperity for all Americans.

We need him in there. Bongino is holding a fundraising event which ends at midnight tonight, you can contribute to it here.

Follow Dan on Twitter here. Learn more about where he stands on the issues here.

Tags: Operation Counterweight