Mother Jones chickenhawks James O’Keefe at Netroots Nation

James O’Keefe is loathed on the left almost on a par with what Andrew Breitbart experienced.  From ACORN to NPR to voter fraud in 2012, O’Keefe and his camera have caused havoc.

Yet when blogger Adam Weinstein of Mother Jones approached O’Keefe this year at Netroots Nation, they had a rather pleasant, non-confrontational conversation (in contrast to how Anne was treated by Warren supporters):

The way Weinstein wrote up the encounter you’d think this was an epic confrontation, WATCH: James O’Keefe III Crashes Netroots Nation With His Handicam (emphasis mine):

Saturday afternoon … James O’Keefe III, “ratfucker” extraordinaire, showed up to tape the festivities. And we taped him—see the video below.O’Keefe, standing about six-two and looking taller in a skin-tight black polo, held a handicam at the ready, but he and his consort—conservative blogger Jim Hoft, aka Gateway Pundit—seemed a little intimidated when I whipped out my own videocam.

Does O’Keefe seem intimidated to you in the video?  The video shows someone relaxed and happy to answer questions.

And then there was the post-video interaction (emphasis mine):

After I stopped rolling, two progressive gay bloggers sauntered over to chat O’Keefe up, but the right-leaning muckraker shuffled off surreptitiously.”He’s been working out,” one blogger commented. Someone asked the other blogger if he’d ever consider bedding O’Keefe.”Not in a million years,” he said, making a prune face.

O’Keefe “shuffled off surreptitiously”? What does that mean?  Definition of surreptitious:

done, made, or acquired by stealth

It couldn’t have been that “surreptitious” if you saw him walk away, oh, I mean “shuffle” away.

And O’Keefe supposedly escaped before Weinstein could ask about probation (on a misdemeanor of entry of a premises under false premises, not phone tampering)(emphasis mine):

O’Keefe, of course, is on a court-ordered probation that runs to 2013, owing to an “investigative journalism” project involving alleged plans for phone tampering in the offices of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.); there’s no word yet on whether this trip was approved by a probation officer. O’Keefe left before I could ask him.

O’Keefe didn’t leave before you could ask anything.  Weinstein was the one who ended the conversation.

What has happened to Netroots Nation since last year?  Seems they have lost their mojo and will to fight:

Tags: Breitbart, Nutroots