Scott Brown hasn’t said much himself about Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee fraud.
But now he’s going there, and good for him.
With each passing day that Warren clings to her claim to be Native American, Cherokee, a minority and a “woman of color,” she reveals a deep and disturbing character flaw.
Warren thinks she can get away with it because she’s liberal and in Massachusetts. We’ll find out if she’s right.
(h/t American Power for the video)
Update: Looks like The Boston Herald has picked up on Warren’s interview yesterday on Morning Joe, Warren: ‘The Boston Herald is the Boston Herald’:
Democrat Elizabeth Warren insisted the majority of voters don’t care about the controversy over her Native American heritage claims and blamed the Boston Herald for pushing its own political agenda during a cable network interview this morning.“You know, the Boston Herald is the Boston Herald,” Warren said, shaking her head, after host Joe Scarborough asked if she felt the paper was unfairly targeting her. “What can I say?”Asked what she meant by that, Warren replied: “I don’t think I can explain it because it has its own point of view, and it’s going to drive its own point of view.”