Cherokees launch fundraiser for Elizabeth Warren debate protests

After Elizabeth Warren snubbed and insulted a small group of Cherokee women who traveled to Boston last week to see her, the Cherokees are undaunted.

The group formed in late May, Cherokees Demand Truth From Elizabeth Warren, has just launched a fundraiser:

We are now starting an official fund raiser in the hope of raising enough money to take another small group to MA in either late July or early August and then a large group (50+) of Cherokees to MA in September. We understand that money is tight for people these days, but even a donation of just a few dollars will help. Please see the donation link at the top right side of this blog to donate. [PayPal link at the post]Elizabeth Warren was able to ignore the 4 Cherokee women who wanted to see her last week but will she be able to ignore a group of 50 or more Cherokees who want answers about why she has wrongly claimed to be one of us? We would like to find out, but we can’t do it without your help.Thank you in advance for your donations.

I’m not sure how much they need to raise, but I’m guessing they’re going to need at least several hundred dollars per person, so we’re talking at least $30,000.  For Elizabeth Warren, that’s about one check from a single Hollywood star,

As I noted the other day, Warren thinks she can get away with her bullying conduct towards these women because Warren has the power of a media machine behind her.  The only thing the Cherokee women have behind them is the truth.  Help get the truth out.


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