The sound of Elizabeth Warren’s silence

As Politico notes, The Boston Herald has outdone The Boston Globe in reporting on Elizabeth Warren, although The Globe finally is coming around to some hard reporting after its editorial board declared the issue over weeks ago:

Long before Republican Sen. Scott Brown vs. Elizabeth Warren arrived on the scene, Beantown’s flagship dailies  were duking it out for scoops in one of the last big-city newspaper wars.

And the competition between the archrivals has been on open display as they  scurry to dominate coverage of the nation’s premiere Senate race.

The Herald, though, still is leading the way and is not taking silence for an answer, Elizabeth Warren stays mum on heritage, affirmative action:

A day after closing doors on a Herald reporter’s questions, Elizabeth Warren and her campaign yesterday declined to answer questions about her purported Native American heritage and whether she supports affirmative action, instead issuing the same statement they have released whenever questioned about her minority claims….

The Suffolk poll gave rise to headlines that the false claim of Native American heritage was not hurting Warren.  I’m not believing that.  Where would she be in the polls if not for the controversy?

And where will she be in November when day-after-day The Herald and increasingly The Globe report on the questions surrounding the core of Warren’s narrative?

The sound of Elizabeth Warren’s silence on her false Cherokee ancestry claim is drowning out her class warfare message.  That probably benefits all the evil factory owners she loves to lambast, but it can’t be good for her campaign.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren