Richard Mourdock, before anyone thought he had a chance

He was kind enough to call me, and we had a great conversation.

I realize it’s a lot easier to get a return call from someone not at the top in the polls, but not all candidates are that way.  (I’ve been trying to talk to a certain other insurgent Senate candidate for a while, but no luck.)

In his own words, here, long before anyone thought he had a chance:

By the way, take nothing for granted.

If you live in Indiana, vote on Tuesday. It you know someone in Indiana, make sure they vote.

If you don’t live in Indiana and don’t know anyone in Indiana, go to Mourdock’s website and make a donation so he has the money he needs to GOTV.

Update:  Et tu Mitch?

With polling showing Lugar sinking, Mitch Daniels isn’t withdrawing his endorsement of Lugar, but he is watering it down by characterizing it as a matter of personal loyalty, via Courier Press (emphasis mine):

Daniels, another former Reagan hand who was once Lugar’s chief of staff and whose political career began as an aide to the then-Indianapolis mayor, has cut television commercials on Lugar’s behalf.He said he was somewhat surprised by the size of Mourdock’s lead, and said he hasn’t been asked to do anything other than those advertisements to help Lugar down the home stretch.“I don’t have anything planned, but my viewpoint’s pretty well known by now. I suppose anybody that’s watched much television has heard it,” Daniels said.Still, if Mourdock wins, Daniels said he’ll have no trouble supporting him.“He’s a thoroughly credible person – you know, a friend and ally of mine,” Daniels said. “I was in an awkward position, to say the least, here, between two people I know and like and admire. But one of them, I have a lifelong loyalty to, and that was the tiebreaker.”

Tags: IN -Senate 2012