Reputed neo-Nazi J.T. Ready apparently killed himself and his family yesterday.
There is one thing the major media outlets (MNSBC, L.A. Times, Arizona Republic) reporting on the story either fail to mention or bury. Ready was planning to run for Sheriff as a Democrat (h/t reader mgparrish):
A well known former Neo-Nazi has his sights set on the Pinal County Sheriff’s office now that the current Sheriff, Paul Babeu plans to run for Congress and J.T. Ready wants the job.
In a move that surprised many people, Ready switched political parties and plans to run as a Democrat.
Instead, groups like Think Progress already are seeking to frame the media narrative in the direction that Ready once was associated with the Republican Arizona legislator who helped draft S.B. 1070, even though the relationship was disavowed when Ready’s neo-Nazi ties became known. That theme has been picked up by the Tucson Citizen, which repeatedly mentions that the legislator is Republican, but buries Ready’s Democratic Party plans near the bottom of the article.
Ready’s plans to run as a Democrat do not implicate the Democratic Party in any way. But you can be sure that the media narrative will try to implicate Republicans, as it already has, and work the Tea Party into this somehow.

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We really should be calling the media the DEMOCRAT media. That is how they are functioning.
Breitbart was right – the problem is the media. Thankfully we have the internet, twitter, citizens armed with video cameras to get the truth and facts out to the people.
May we see more of this:
Bob and Nancy Strait are hoping their story breaks through media myopia:
The brutal nature of this story is that a person’s life is only valued if it fits the media’s color of their narrative.
Well, what do you expect from the hacks in the media? The perp could have paraded around in sandwich boards proclaiming his political allegiance with the Democrat Party, and that fact still would be conveniently ignored.
Thunk Progress will ALWAYS and PREDICTABLY try to hang any mass murder on the right.
It is their knee-jerk (emphasize “JERK”) position, and part of their madness.
BTW, Prof., while it may be very likely that Ready is, in fact, the killer…
nobody knows that yet. There were several adults in the house.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (obviously not a conservative site) has a report on him. He was in their data base well before this incident, but it was updated last night to include his death.
“In September 2007, Ready marched under a swastika banner in Omaha, Neb., with brown-shirted members of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM), a group he would later join. Ready gave a speech at the rally, where he was billed as an “Arizona Republican activist.” That same year, Ready quietly created a profile on the neo-Nazi social networking site New Saxon, run by the NSM, and appeared at the neo-Nazi National Vanguard’s “Winterfest” gathering in Phoenix in December 2007.
In 2008, these acts came to the attention of Arizona congressmen John Shadegg, Jeff Flake, and Trent Franks. In a letter addressed to the chairman of the local Republican Party, they asked that everything possible be done to expel Ready from his position as GOP precinct committeeman. However, Ready retained his office until his term ran out in 2008, though he did not seek reelection.”
Quoting Professor Jacobson …
“Ready’s plans to run as a Democrat do not implicate the Democratic Party in any way.”
I fully agree, you have to also figure why would he run as a Democrat? Because the Republicans exposed him and essentially “outed” him. He couldn’t be a Republican as everyone in the local GOP was on to him.
J. T. Ready’s connections to the GOP in Arizona cannot be white-washed or blamed on a Democrat conspiracy. He was a huge embarrassment to the GOP, having served in several capacities with it. He and ousted GOP Senate President Russell Pearce were tight. Don’t let the spin sweep this one under the rug. Pearce, a big time member of the LDS church in Maricopa County, assisted Ready in his membership. He was also fairly tight with Sheriff Joe and Sheriff Paul.
Ready was a life-long Republican. At my blog, The Pink Flamingo, I’ve been covering this story, and the abject STUPIDITY of the GOP for not kicking out he, Pearce, or Sheriff Joe.
It is amazing how this is being spun to try and make him look like a Democrat. He was not.
I am not surprised something like this happened there in Arizona. The state is a tinderbox, but no one wants to really pay attention to how bad the situation with people like Ready, Arpaio, and company really is.
Andy yes, there are photos of Ready with all his lovely little friends.
The Pink Flamingo
Russell Pearce has quite a checkered history.
No doubt about that… Ranging from hero to thug.
Ready was all over the map, too…
He was a Occupy Phoenix cat.
No one here is trying to “white-wash” or “blame it on a Democrat conspiracy”. What is stated is that far left media is playing their usual “guilt by association” games. And no intent to “pin the kook on the Democrats” game from here either.
If you want to play that game …
Anybody can pose for a picture next to a politician. If Russell Pearce knew the guy was a Nazi or harbored insane ideas then no way he would have posed with the guy or had any association with him. No more than Rosalynn Carter knew either about the serial killer either.
Agree or disagree with Russell Pearce and his policies, he was duped and called the guy out long before these murders. As did the local GOP.
It is amazing how this is being spun to try and make him look like a Democrat. He was not.
Yeah. Simply amazing that somebody would run for office as a Democrat, and all kinds of crazy people would somehow think that would make him a Democrat.
Boggles the mind, it does.
What part of
“And no intent to “pin the kook on the Democrats” game from here either.”
“Ready’s plans to run as a Democrat do not implicate the Democratic Party in any way. But you can be sure that the media narrative will try to implicate Republicans, as it already has, and work the Tea Party into this somehow.”
don’t you understand?
The BIG point here being…
guys like Ready have essentially no real loyalty.
They DO have a deep, pathological, unmet HUNGER that drives them from pillar to post in search of fulfillment.
Well, Michael Bloomberg ran three times as a Republican, but that doesn’t make him one. In 2001 he decided to run, and realised that if he did so in his own party he’d have to fight a primary against four strong candidates, while if he ran in the Republican primary he’d have no real opposition, so that’s what he did. I voted against him on 11-Sep-2001 before the election was cancelled, and again a fortnight later, and again in the primaries of 2005 and 2009. At the 2009 general election I voted Democrat for the first time in 25 years, because if we must have a D mayor I’d rather have one with a D after his name. (In 2001 and 2005 I voted Libertarian.)
[…] LINK. […]
Yes. Even in a collective, morons should be judged individually. After all, their bad judgment can be measured in degrees.
[…] Second Thought, Never Mind…. Posted on May 3, 2012 5:30 pm by Bill Quick » Neo-Nazi kills family … media silent on his plan to run for Sheriff as a Democrat – Le·g… Instead, groups like Think Progress already are seeking to frame the media narrative in the […]