Will Elizabeth Warren escape accountability for telling what at best were tall tales and at worst lies about her Cherokee heritage?
Will Warren get away with using her mystical heritage strategically to advance her career in a crafty way which provided her with (im)plausible deniability?
Will the use and abuse of the Cherokee tragedy go rewarded?
The big headline is that a new poll shows a virtual dead heat in the Massachusetts Senate race, which the Boston Globe is portraying as the end of Warren’s Cherokee problem, Elizabeth Warren pulls even with Scott Brown in new poll:
Elizabeth Warren, emerging from what many consider the roughest patch yet in her Senate campaign, has pulled into a virtual tie with US Senator Scott Brown, according to a new Suffolk University/7News poll.Warren, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has the support of 47 percent of likely voters in Massachusetts, compared to 48 percent for Brown, a dead heat in a poll with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.That is a significant shift from the last Suffolk poll in February when Warren, a consumer advocate and Harvard Law School professor, trailed Brown, a Wrentham Republican, 49 percent to 40 percent.Just 5 percent of voters were undecided in the current poll, down from 9 percent in February, leaving both campaigns to fight over a sliver of the electorate….The poll indicated that although 73 percent of likely voters were aware of the controversy surrounding Warren’s heritage, 69 percent said it was not a significant story.Forty-nine percent said they believe Warren is telling the truth about being part Native American, compared to 28 percent who said they believe she is not being honest and 23 percent who said they were not sure.Meanwhile, 45 percent said they believe Warren did not benefit by listing herself as Native American in a law school directory, while 41 percent said she had benefited.The controversy could flare again in the fall but, for now, voters do not appear to be punishing Warren for it, said Suffolk’s pollster, David Paleologos.
The New York Times spins the headline in a similar manner: Voters Shrug at Revelations of Ethnic Claim in Senate Race.
Is she going to get away with it, refusing to talk in public about her gaming of the system while building her campaign around holding others accountable for gaming the system?
Will she be able to keep complaining about factory owners who supposedly take advantage of others while she built her career and persona on taking advantage of the Cherokee?
I said Bye-Bye Brown a year ago yesterday because of frustration with his voting record and public statements. None of those substantive points has changed.
Yet there’s something about Massachusetts Senate races which keeps drawing me back in.
I wasn’t going to make this race part of Operation Counterweight. But I can’t help it. We need to keep this seat to take the Senate, and we need to keep an unrepentant system gamer out of the Senate.
I’m back in until Scott Brown wins, or Elizabeth Warren fesses up, whichever comes sooner.