Harvard Law Unbound rises from the ashes

as Harvard Law School Is Bogus.

The first blog post is Harvard Law School’s Bogus Journey Into Blog Blacklisting:

We are a small group of dissenting Harvard Law School students whose “Harvard Law Unbound” blog, focused on protesting corruption and conflict of interest at the Law School, was blacklisted last week by the Law School, which pressured our WordPress.com host into deactivating the blog.  (For more background, review our old “About” page, reprinted here; our new “About” page, here; and the archived version of our blog, here, which we’re pleased to see more than 2,000 people have already viewed).The Law School administration didn’t file a lawsuit regarding our blog, and thus cannot claim to have persuaded a neutral judge that its objections had any merit. Instead, it pressured WordPress.com to blacklist our blog by threatening it with legal action.  It did so notwithstanding our timely and well-documented objection that we had done nothing wrong.  In the face of Harvard Law School’s legal threats, WordPress capitulated and deleted our blog….Note that we’ve chosen a deliberately provocative, indeed outlandish, title for this new blog — “Harvard Law School is Bogus” — to guarantee as best we can that Harvard Law School will not file yet another bogus DMCA claim seeking to have this blog taken down, based on supposed confusion over whether someone might think this blog is authorized by, and speaks for, Harvard Law School.  We trust that not even Harvard Law School administrators can work up any confusion about this blog.

Come on, there must be a bigger issue here, something with national implications.

This is not the first time that Harvard Law School has been silent in the face of well-documented allegations of wrongdoing, in particular allegations that it filed a claim that was false under the governing federal law.  It is currently facing allegations that it filed multiple false claims in violation of federal law regarding the purported Native American ancestry of Professor Elizabeth Warren, an allegation made by Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown and recently analyzed by Professor Jacobson and by Michael Patrick Leahy.


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Tags: Free Speech, Harvard Law