Its case for a separate state is as good as if not better than the Palestinians since it was its own entity prior to French colonial rule.
Via JPost:
For Ferhat Mehenni, Israel is an ideal partner and friend for Kabylie, a geographic sliver of Algeria’s northern coast whose people wish to secede from the large North African nation’s control.
“We are in a hostile environment,” Mehenni told The Jerusalem Post during an interview on Thursday. “Both countries share kind of the same path, but Israel already exists – that’s the only difference.”
Mehenni founded the Movement for the Autonomy of Kabylie and has served as president of the Provisional Government of Kabylie from exile in France since Algeria’s “Black Spring” period in 2001, during which the Kabylian people challenged the Algerian government’s ban on their culture and language. Kabylie, located on the northern Mediterranean coast of Algeria, remained its own country throughout the Middle Ages and the Ottoman days, only to become part of Algeria proper during the French colonization period during the mid-19th century. The region subsequently suffered many battle scars during the Algerian War of Independence, which occurred from 1954 through 1962.
“Kabylie never accepted losing its independence and this is what led the entire battle for the independence of Algeria,” Mehenni said.
The people of Kabylie, who Mehenni said fill Algeria’s universities, were never from Arab or Muslim backgrounds and are from their own Berber culture and language, however.
The main difference is that the people of Kabylie never hijacked airplanes or blew up buses, and most important, they do not seek the destruction of Israel, so they get no attention. Israel seems to be the only country to care.
Read the rest of the JPost article, it’s fascinating, including this:
“Kabylie has invested in its identity quest, but never was a stronghold for Islam,” Mehenni said. “In 1990, while in Algeria we observed an Islamist tidal wave, in Kabylie there hasn’t been a single Islamist official.” …
Kabylian women do not wear veils, and Kabylians living in France did not participate in the campaign for legalizing veils in schools, according to Mehenni. Rather, he said, Kabylians have become quickly enamored by France’s values, including secularism and freedom.
Secular, freedom-loving? They’re done, they’ll never get any help from this administration.

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Why am I not surprised that Israel is on their side? They’re acting like the only democracy in region should act.
Chag sameach
Happy Sha’vuot. It is occurring the same time Americans are celebrating Memorial Day. Joel Rosenberg’s blog:
Bibi Netanyahu celebrates by reading book of Ruth in his backyard.
Israel is the only country that reaches out to all others and gets rebuffed by almost every one. Whatever happened to the relationship between Kurdistan and Israel?
I’ve been following news items about the Berber’s for while and had this bookmarked….
Mhenni’s story at Kbyles.Net: (Google translate is at the top of the page),8719.html
In our crazy world there seems to be an inverse relationship between Palestinian terrorist acts and rational thinking by their western supporters.
Anyway, free Kabylie!
With respect, Professor jacobson, you’ve failed to mention the main reason why the Kayblie people attract no attention from the rest of the world. Not engaging in blowing up airplanes, not committing horrifying and grotesque acts of suicide-murder, and not killing diplomats is part of it. But I’m surprised you’ve failed to mention the main reason why they get no world attention.
Of course, it’s because they’re not fighting against Jews. The moral sensitivities of the world are easily ruffled when it comes to Jews. Muslim sensibilities are especially delicate when it comes to Jews; Russians massacring thousands in Grozny…where’s that?
But the misdeeds of Jews? The world rises up as one against them.