Elizabeth Warren “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook mystery solved
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Elizabeth Warren “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook mystery solved

Elizabeth Warren “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook mystery solved

Remember the non-parody story about Elizabeth Warren citing her cousin’s partial editing of the early 1980s Pow Wow Chow cookbook as evidence of Warren’s Native American ancestry?

I could not figure out how Warren found that obscure text.  Now we know, she submitted recipes to it, identifying herself as Cherokee.  I wonder whey she didn’t just say so in the first place.

The Boston Herald (via JammieWearingFool) has more:

She offered a recipe on herbed tomatoes, touting them as a “great accompaniment to a plain meat and potatoes meal!” She also included a crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing dish and a Mexican oatmeal soup that included oats, onions, tomatoes and chicken broth.

“The soup sounds weird, but everyone who tries it, loves it!” Warren wrote.

Since she cited the book as evidence of ancestry, does that mean she’s also part Mexican since she submitted a Mexican recipe?

In isolation this story is a little silly, except that it’s not in isolation.   Warren was touted as Native American at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard, listed herself that way in law association forms in the mid-1980s through mid-1990s, and touted herself in a cookbook as Cherokee.

Yet there is no evidence that she is Cherokee, and all the evidence is to the contrary.

I think Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes had it right yesterday, Warren needs to come clean, tell the truth, and apologize.

Update:  Twitchy is rounding up the reaction.

And, I think we figured out how to post the Howie Carr interview yesterday with Twila Barnes without it being auto-run:


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Steve Burri | May 17, 2012 at 9:19 am

A White Hispanic Cherokee? She’s virtually the Tiger Woods of politics.

    Why she’s got more in common with Zimmerman than Tiger or Cherokees.

    Rather ironic since her actual genealogy traces back to people who kicked out the Cherokees in the Trail of Tears. Now that’s a liberal for you.

I guess she believes that if you repeat a lie often enough it will become true. Sad.

Ah, the old “circle of lies” (apologies to Mr. Disney)…

Warren submits stuff to a cook book under her bogus guise of “Cherokee”…

THEN later uses the cook book as proof of her Cherokee-ness.

And…really…what says Native American cuisine like “crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing”.

Just like we used to whip up ’round the campfire…

    persecutor in reply to Ragspierre. | May 17, 2012 at 10:13 am

    Is there a footnote that says to use buffalo if crab is not in season?

    MaggotAtBroadAndWall in reply to Ragspierre. | May 17, 2012 at 10:25 am

    “crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing”. Odd how that would be a traditional Cherokee dish considering the closest crab appears in nature hundreds of miles from Oklahoma.

    Unless, of course, her Cherokee ancestors fished some crabs out of the gulf so they could enjoy some “crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing” as her non-Cherokee ancestors forced her Cherokee ancestors to march to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.

    Yeah…., yeah…., that’s the ticket.

      No, no. You are too limiting by nailing down the Cherokee to Oklahoma.

      Back in their noble red man tradition…before the plague of the white devils…the tribes of the Atlantic coast would fly fresh crab and lobster into the interior tribes by eagles.

      Yah… That’s it. James Cameron needs to get to work on that…

Greg Toombs | May 17, 2012 at 10:34 am

We are all Cherokees now.

    Being an Indian .. err .. Native American isn’t what some seem to think it is.

    We’ve all seen Monument Valley with those beautiful buttes in the old Western movies. Well, for Native Americans there are no real rules about inhabiting Monument Valley. One Native moved his “mobile home” right into the middle of the most picturesque portion.

the cherokee had mayo and chicken broth?

    Anchovy in reply to drozz. | May 17, 2012 at 10:57 am

    Chicken broth? I didn’t even know chickens had tiths.

    persecutor in reply to drozz. | May 17, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Absolutely. They acquired a taste for them at the Howard Johnsons that were in the rest areas of the Trail of Tears.

    Mayo and chicken broth are as Cherokee as Elizabeth Warren.

      Ragspierre in reply to persecutor. | May 17, 2012 at 11:24 am

      Hey…PRAIRIE chicken broth…

      Ragspierre in reply to persecutor. | May 17, 2012 at 11:35 am

      I also have to wonder about Warren’s “oat cuisine” (pun)…

      That’s more on the lines of my Scots ancestors (who were pretty tribal, at that) than the Indians.

      The half-cup of butter is pretty Scots, too…

I don’t understand why she doesn’t have genetic mapping performed. Then, she could demonstrate the genetic linkage to her gender, Caucasian heritage, etc. It might even show the chromosomes responsible for her sometimes making statements that are subject to considerable scrutiny with regard to their truthfulness.

    gs in reply to ALman. | May 17, 2012 at 11:48 am

    1. I asked that question here a while ago. Someone answered that genetic mapping is not as accurate as its marketers claim. I’m not qualified to judge, but it wouldn’t be the first time a technology is overhyped.

    Of course, it’s also true that Warren may not believe her claims enough to test them.

    Or maybe she’s had testing done privately & anonymously, and the results were negative.

    2. The cookbook report does suggest that Warren’s family believe they have Cherokee blood. Thereby it supports (but does not prove) her claim of good faith.

    3. Otoh, there is this:

    …Massachusetts Senate candidate and one-time Obama aide Elizabeth Warren stepped up her criticism of JPMorgan and its CEO Jamie Dimon.

    “Jamie himself said he was sloppy and stupid. And sloppy and stupid should have consequences,” she said. “He should resign from the board … because he should not be in a position of public trust.”

    As a typical progressive elitist, Warren forgets that her prescriptions for others should also apply to her.

    We should keep reminding her.

Scott Brown must have an odd smile on his face these days

Has she began saying “That’s old news. I’ve addressed it and won’t anymore. Can we all just move on?” yet?

I bet this was one of those self-published fundraising cookbooks. I think I have contributed to 20 of them over the years for various groups. I contributed to one that was for a group of nuns but I didn’t think that made me a nun.

As Twila Barnes said in her post this is an elite Harvard lawyer. I don’t know why we should be shocked this woman quotes Grannie Bea’s “high cheekbone” saga as evidence when we know her idea of credible research draws a causal relationship between having $1000 in medical bills and bankruptcy.

    persecutor in reply to Mary Sue. | May 17, 2012 at 12:14 pm

    All it takes is one recipe-Nun, Cherokee, FLOTUS.

    Mary Sue in reply to Mary Sue. | May 17, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin’s site has a link to the Amazon listing for “Pow Wow Chow.” I got my copy of the cookbook I contributed to for the group of nuns I mentioned. The binding and format of the two books are identical. My cookbook has an advertisement for the fund raising group that puts these books together. It is a company called fundcraft who advertises “Turn your recipes into dough.”

    There is literally no scrutiny involved in publishing these books. I could put together a cookbook called “A Collection of Recipes from Morgan Fairchild,” and sell it to whatever suckers I can find to buy the book.

Oh god. This never ends. I hope she’s this incompetent in other areas too.

“…§ 14.8 Lack of requisite qualifications, character and integrity.

In addition to those matters specifically referred to in §§14.4 through 14.7, the Commission may, after notice and opportunity for hearing in the matter, deny, temporarily or permanently, the privilege of appearing or practicing before it to any person who is found by the Commission by a preponderance of the evidence:

(a) Not to possess the requisite qualifications to represent others; or

(b) To be lacking in character or integrity; or

(c) To have engaged in unethical or improper unprofessional conduct either in the course of an adjudicatory, investigative, rulemaking or other proceeding before the Commission or otherwise…”

    beloved2 in reply to beloved2. | May 17, 2012 at 3:00 pm

    Seems Crockajawea has crossed over the line. So why don’t the Cherokees round up the Indin(that’s my Choctaw cousins two-syllable word, hate the “native american” label) attorneys that Warren beat out of the Harvard job and SUE her and get her disbarred for lack of integrity, lack of character, and continuing unprofessional conduct. F.Lee Bailey was actually disbarred in Massachusetts for ethics so why not this fraudster?
    Massachusetts voters: hear your history! Paul Revere in 2012 is shouting “The fraudsters are coming, the fraudsters are here!”

      Milhouse in reply to beloved2. | May 18, 2012 at 2:34 am

      What “Indin attorneys that Warren beat out of the Harvard job”? There were no applicants, because there was no vacancy; Harvard recruited her, not the other way around. So there isn’t anyone she “beat out”, “Indin” or not. Had she not been listed in the AALS directory as a “minority”, would they have recruited her anyway? Probably, but even if they wouldn’t there’s no telling whether they might have gone after someone else instead, and if so whom.

      And “attorneys” aren’t generally professor material anyway.

Comrade Warren’s contribution to “Pow Wow Chow” – Oatmeal Soup – is probably to get us ready for “Famine Chow”.


Famine Chow

•50% by volume ground wheat, corn, barley or any other grain.
•30% by volume ground beans, peas, soybeans, lentils or other legumes
•10% by volume vegetable oil of any kind
•10% by volume sugar, honey, molasses or other sweetener
•Salt to taste.

Just add water.

Yum. You vill eat it and you vill like it!

Comrade Warren’s contribution to “Pow Wow Chow” – Oatmeal Soup – is probably to get us ready for “Famine Chow”.


Famine Chow

•50% by volume ground wheat, corn, barley or any other grain.
•30% by volume ground beans, peas, soybeans, lentils or other legumes
•10% by volume vegetable oil of any kind
•10% by volume sugar, honey, molasses or other sweetener
•Salt to taste.

Just add water.

Yum. You vill eat it and you vill like it!

[…] {{title}} @ {{url}}"}};}The Cherokees are on the warpath and they’ve all been fed that Pow Wow Chow. Watch out […]

[…] A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection offers a little perspective (just in case you think this whole thing is just too silly): In […]

BannedbytheGuardian | May 17, 2012 at 10:08 pm

That oatmeal soup looks ok but I don’t get the Mexican.

Can someone post the Spicy Bean recipe. I don’t associate Oklahoma or Cherokees with beans but I am open to new age fusion cooking. My only objection is the tiny portions served on huge plates with the little sprig of obscure grass on the side.

I have an Indigenous settlement about 1 mile away . They are camped on the beach fully annoying the million $$$ homeowners nearby. If they were to cook native they would really monster the dear peoples sensitivities & stink them out.

Obama might like some pow wow chow – then he could have the pelt made up for Michelle .

BREITBART: Did Elizabeth Warren Plagiarize Her ‘Pow Wow Chow’ Recipes?


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