I suspected this day would come, when all of those who jumped to politically driven conclusions about injuries or not to George Zimmerman would have to confront actual evidence.
So now the Martin family attorney who went on television to proclaim Zimmerman a liar about suffering head injuries will go back on television to admit he was wrong. Right?
And that attorney will go before the jury and say something along the lines of, “All of you who saw me on television but don’t want to admit it because you’ll be kicked off the case, please know that I didn’t know what I was talking about, I didn’t wait for the evidence, and I am sorry.” Right?
And all those in the left-blogosphere who completely politicized the incident and proclaimed a grainy video proof positive that Zimmerman was lying, without waiting for the evidence, will do the same. Right?
Via a local ABC News station:
ABC News exclusively obtained a graphic photograph of George Zimmerman’s head covered in blood that was taken just three minutes after the shooting that left 17-year-old Trayvon Martin dead. This news comes as Zimmerman is set to go before a judge in a bond hearing on Friday.
The picture shows two cuts on the back of Zimmerman’s head with blood trickling down….
The photo does not prove that Zimmerman acted with justifiable use of force. There is a lot more evidence to come out.
But it does expose the truth about those who have viewed this case since day one as a way to score political points.
Update 12:10 p.m.: I could not follow the bail hearing today, but apparently the Judge held that Zimmerman would be released on $150,000 bond, with ankle bracelet monitoring and other conditions. Incredibly, the reports I have seen indicate Zimmerman testified at the hearing. Once I have a chance to understand better what happened this morning, I’ll have a separate post.
(added) As part of the testimony this morning, a police investigator confirmed that Zimmerman suffered head injuries:
“His injuries are consistent with trauma to the back of his head,” investigator Dale Gilbreath said. “There is two lacerations to the back of his head.”

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Good greif! The lawyer should be banned from practice.
Crump and co. should damn well face ethics charges for their conduct in this.
They’re a disgrace to the profession, but a credit to the race hustlers who swim in the same cesspool as they do!
So it shouldn’t be a total loss…!!!
Score political points? Nah. Keep this killing of a teenager from being swept under the rug, yes.
There’s no getting around the flawed nature of all this. Testing Martin for drugs without testing Zimmerman precludes that right away.
Now there is enough light on this case that there is at least a chance for justice to be done.
That’s some really bloody reasonable doubt for his eventual acquittal. And it’s long been apparent that Crump is not a high caliber lawyer–his job has been primarily to act as publicist for Trayvon’s parents and to keep their media appearance schedule booked. They hucksters have relied heavily on the Leftist social justice seeking CRT media to prosecute their case for them on national TV and have been served well.
btw–still a national media blackout on Daniel Adkins, the unarmed Hispanic male shot in cold blood by a black man in Phoenix. Adkins only had a dog leash in his possession. No complaints from the hucksters on SYG here. No, none at all. They really accept the eyewitness testimony there too, no complaints. Nothing to see here.
Fortunately, America has caught on to their political maneuvering and allies in the media.
What has “teenager” got to do with anything? And it’s obvious why you would test a corpse for drugs, but not a living person who has fourth amendment rights; especially when there is reason to suppose that the corpse was on drugs but none at all to suspect that of the living person.
A garden-variety killing, with no racial component, investigated as it would be in any city in America of the same size.
Which, for the sake of a set of VERY cynical interests, was made into a “narrative” cause celeb, and pushed to the point of violence.
Crazy. And the crazy has shown up on both ends of the political spectrum.
[…] a liar about suffering head injuries will go back on television to admit he was wrong. Right? LINK The police officer was being truthful when he stated that Zimmerman was bleeding from head and […]
I hope people who jumped on this video as proof that Zimmerman was lying will now admit they were wrong.
By the way, Zimmerman looks like an ordinary guy in the live feed of his bail hearing. Not at all like the mugshot that was so prevalent in the media.
I thought is interesting that the photo, taken some 3 minutes after the shooting, comes with a story of somebody who saw the fight and can kill those claims that Zimmerman self-inflicted those injuries on himself.
I am watching/listening to the bond hearing right now. Is it customary to practically try the defendant during the course of this? The prosecuting attorney is doing a lot of grandstanding and introducing/requesting what seems to be an unusual amount of detail.
Or “doing their job”.
Up until now, I had not been aware of the degree of latitude practiced in a bond hearing. I was under the impression they were a cut-and-dried procedure.
Not a criminal guy, but I understand in some jurisdictions they are mini-trials, since they are determining an essential Constitutional issue in each case.
They can get quite detailed as to finances, character, connections, evidence supporting the allegations, evidence supporting any continuing threat to individuals & society, etc.
In that there is a lot of point-counterpoint going on, the mini-trial fits. I’ve witnessed proceedings (mostly non-criminal) in another state, and was puzzled by this. Thanks.
here is a full sized picture on my blog which I shamelessly stole from Gateway Pundit
George Zimmermans Bloody Head …. With Picture
And will there be an apology from Sharpton, Jackson and the Black Panthers?………crickets
As I have said, there are/were a lot facts in this case that could have and should have been “released” to quell the rising blood thirst.
Instead, law enforcement officials stood mute as the Martin attorney released “information” that was at best inconclusive, and had to literally be manufactured to fit the narrative.
To this day, many, if not most, believe the Sanford PD never even conducted any kind of investigation.
Now, we get what we have…
…this photo, which would have been of utmost importance early on, is seemingly being ignored in Miami, because it no longer fits the “facts” that have been thoroughly established-
“Instead, law enforcement officials stood mute”
Two things…
1. no, they didn’t…remember the various pressers by cops
2. they HAVE to keep shut about facts and evidence, as did the prosecutors.
1) Yes, they did–for all practical purposes
2) HUH????
(Did you notice your No.1 contradicts your N0.2?)
1. look it up, dog.
2. no, it does not. Here’s why…a police agency will OFTEN give a presser where they discuss generalities BUT NOT SPECIFICS of a case. Because they CAN’T without going OUTSIDE THE FLUCKING LAW and good sense.
There were no charges filed against Zimmerman. The police could have and should have held a presser to explain.
Further, facts may or may not be evidence..of anything.
Is the fact that Martin was only 10 lbs. lighter than Zimm, but several inches taller “evidence”..
Or should we just proceed with the narrative that Zimm was a bruising 245 lb thug, and Martin was just a little boy who wanted a puppy?
Further still, you keep talking like this is just a run of the mill case–
Not sure how many run of the mill cases can plunge an entire nation into a race war- fed by the President of the United States, and members of Congress.
Dog, you’re having trouble with temporal relationships.
Stuff happens in linear time. People act in the moment with the information they have in the moment. You are looking back with a LOT more information. That “hindsight” thingy.
It WAS a run-of-the-mill case…and should have stayed that way.
[…] Prof Jacobson […]
Why was this photo withheld while the threats and marches were going on? They didn’t want to interrupt the blood lust activism? That news cycle is over … does “short attention span America” have interest in dry facts now?
That ABC article also mentioned powder burns on Martin’s sweatshirt … which I guess is proof of the close contact. One can hit his head on the ground really hard and not bleed at all … between this photo and the broken nose and the amount of time between the witness observing him screaming for help, and the shot … it sure seems this should never even make it to trial … except to please the politicians and media, and Sharpton and some mobs.
And it was done by Republicans.
It isn’t about R vs. D.
Oh, it’s about R vs. D, alright. It’s just that the Rs always cave so fast it never looks like there’s a fight…..because there isn’t. The Rs never fight. They just cave, especially to the race card. They don’t care whose ox gets gored. They are so cowed by the left and the racebaiters, they’d sell their own grandmother out to avoid getting beaten up by the pro-black media.
Let justice be done. And let this trial be fair.
If there is a trial, then justice is already not being done. There isn’t enough evidence to justify a trial.
Isn’t there going to be a preliminary hearing before confirming there will be a trial?
Question for the lawyers here: What are the chances this gets tossed out for lack of probable cause or it’s determined to be self-defense or whatever other possibilities can take place before the case is confirmed to go to trial?
Meanwhile we have this over a bail hearing: http://www.jammiewf.com/2012/florida-prepares-for-backlash-if-zimmerman-released-on-bail/
Yeah, but for perspective, Casey Anthony had body armor on coming and going into court.
There are lots of crazies among our millions in population.
John Lennon was just out for a stroll.
Expect the ‘I blame the evil white Bush and his photoshop team’, from Al, Van, (is he a Chevy, Ford or Dodge?) Malik, crazy Louie, Maxine and the Florida Annie Oakley
Zimm’s lawyer is taking apart the charging document-
Specific language: Profile = ‘collaborative effort’.
[…] News: Photo taken after Trayvon Martin shooting shows bloody George Zimmerman | Professor Jacobsen Piles On the Media (Damn, he beat me to […]
How does the Officer KNOW Zimmerman ‘continued to follow him”? How can that be accepted as a statement of fact, rather than opinion?
When Zimmerman is acquited, perhaps he’ll sue NBC, organize a recall campaign of the prosecutor, write a book which becomes a TV movie, and host a Fox show on media abuse and libel.
The standard quip does say that a Repub is a former Dem who was mugged. 🙂
Perhaps someone here has already mentioned this, but have you seen the Left’s latest “boycott” target?
“Please do not purchase any of the following items…” http://instagr.am/p/JmmTZXrzUE/
For more, see http://twitchy.com/2012/04/19/false-rumor-koch-brothers-are-paying-george-zimmermans-legal-fees/
Thanks. Now I know exactly what products to purchase, as soon as I get back from vacation. After dropping my BoA accounts.
Urgh. So inconvenient, but looks like it is time to switch from BofA.
That’d be wonderful if somebody would pay Zimmerman’s legal fees.
$150,000 bond, electronic monitoring
The article said:
“And that attorney will go before the jury and say something along the lines of, “All of you who saw me on television but don’t want to admit it because you’ll be kicked off the case, please know that I didn’t know what I was talking about, I didn’t wait for the evidence, and I am sorry.” Right?”
I hate to tell you this, but in a criminal trial, the family attorney will not have a chance to say anything at all to the jury. Only the witnesses, the State Attorney and the Defense Attorney (and the judge) will talk to the jury.
The family attorney was representing the family whose son was killed under suspicious circumstances. I don’t blame him for any outragious comments. But the Media and all the racial opportunists are the ones to blame.
Most of your post was true.
Not this…
“I don’t blame him for any outragious comments.”
Crump violated legal ethics. A lot.
You don’t blame him for outrageous comments?! He’s a lawyer for ghu’s sake; it’s illegal for him to lie.
Martin was tested for drugs because it’s part of the autopsy.
Please share any information you have re: why Zimmermman should have been tested.
That was not a good morning for the prosecution. Zimmerman’s attorney poked pretty significant holes in the complaint. That investigator who took the stand looked like he was jumping to conclusions.
gov of FL now using this case to form a task force to study SYG laws too.
As if you didn’t see that coming..
OMG. And this is the tea party governor?!
Pretty disgusting, isn’t it?
Zimmerman on the stand:
Zimmerman did well. He showed a lot of self-possession.
He listened to the questions, and answered them directly. (You would be surprised how hard it is to train a witness to do this.)
Yes he did. I also came across what appears to be a ‘how things work’ for this hearing:
“In the capias — similar to a warrant — filed against Zimmerman last week, Special Prosecutor Angela Corey and her team set bail at “none.”
In order to avoid a reduction in bail to a set monetary sum, Corey’s team would have to prove its case essentially, something legal experts say is unlikely at this point in the legal process.”
It’s good politics to apologise to the family, but really if his story is true then why should he be sorry for the death of a thug who attacked him and tried to beat his head in?
You don’t have to be at fault to be sorry someone died.
I think Zimmerman made it clear that his sympathy lay with the parents for their loss, NOT with Trayvon for his loss (of life). It’s a big distinction and it was clear to me. I did not take it as a direct apology for shooting Trayvon (in self defense). It would be no different than if somebody else shot Trayvon.
[…] Baiting Mission Accomplished Posted on April 20, 2012 3:30 pm by Bill Quick » Zimmerman head photo bloodies those who politicized the case – Le·gal In·… Via a local ABC News station: ABC News exclusively obtained a graphic photograph of George […]
When this is said and done, I predict Zimmerman will be exonerated. Afterwards, he should get a posse of lawyers and go on a “lawsuit crusade”. His reputation is shredded but the millions in settlements will ease the sting.
I want him to take exactly the same course that the Duke lacrosse victims took. Sue the bastards down to their panties and shoelaces.
Sandra Q. Fluck has retained me as her legal representative. In that capacity, sir, I will inform you that Ms. Fluck has obtained the rights to any and all uses of the term “fluck” (i.e. “fluck you”, “flucking”, “flucked”, “butt-flucked” etc.) and demand that you herewith cease and desist from use of that word and its derivatives. Any further use of it by you will proceed to civil action against you.
F.E. Llatio, Esq.
Kunneth I. Lingus, Co-Counsel
[…] needs to be lots of apologies put forth and most of them need to be directed at Zimmerman.UPDATE: Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has relevant and related comments:I suspected this day would come, when all of those who jumped to […]