Don’t expect Media Matters to boycott the Senate candidate.
Because the candidate is a Democrat.
And an Israel-hater.
She called her male primary opponent a “whore” for AIPAC. Via Mediaite:
“I’m dealing with a whore here who sells his soul to AIPAC [The American Israel Public Affairs Committee], who will say anything for the job….”
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to the full extent allowed by law.
This woman is deranged.
Whoredoms are not solely the realm of the feminine, but they do seem to encompass most of the body politic these days if we go by the modern traction of its meaning: unbridled desire or ambition.
I wonder what her particular whoredoms are?
What’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s press secretary doing running in CT?
My instant reaction, too – it’s a Wasserman-Schultz north. Keep the volume down or put your stemware away.
Happy Passover, by the way. Next year in Jerusalem.
Well, I’m just fresh back from defending Newt Gingrich from the popular Romney supporter and liberal leftist’s (there is no discernable difference between the two) favorite dismissive epithet ‘pompous gasbag’.
Fact is – both Obama and Romney have done NOTHING without the prodigous use of taxpayer dollars. Both have heaped billions of public funds into their every endeavor, political and private without success (except to their own or their friends profit).
Whereas, Newt had real success and has real record to defend him. Unlike them, when he speaks, he makes sense because it is based on fact/reality.
The Left and Romney’s vicious attacks on everyone who dares to produce the truth and facts that dispute their positions and candidacies is repugnant and childish…and intolerable.
My point being – Obama and Romney and their typical supporters are the ‘pompous gasbags’ – not Newt Gingrich.
My sub-point – Do the Left think they have an exclusive franchise on epithets and the use thereof? Is this why they scream and cry foul when anyone outside of their paradigm places them and their beliefs (respectfully and gently, of course) into a figurative and colorfully-worded category?
Umm, isn’t that kinda’ sorta’ maybe, close to “slut”?
BTW “She came in through the bathroom window” shesa’ apropos, no?
This one isn’t to shabby either:
Fluke, as all should know, is a delicate flower of innocent female-hood, so calling her a slut is not the same. It’s far worse. Enough to induce the vapors. Fainting, even.
At the moment Obama is is saying women are not a monolithic voting block or interest group to be pandered to, and they “shouldn’t be treated that way”.
He tells this to a special forum of women, invited to the White House so he can pander to them as an interest group and voting block.
It just happens to coincide with the Democrat line that Republicans have a “War on Women”, because women have a $10 copay on the pill. So if you think copays are a good idea … apparently you hate women. Or if you think a Catholic institution should not be forced to provide FREE contraception (that can be had for $9/month elsewhere) … you hate women.
Only Obama (with the collusion of major media) could get away with these absurdities.
But this is the old pattern we’ve seen since the beginning…
say two conflicting things…often within the same paragraph.
This is the Alinsky working. The constant dichotomy that serves several purposes, but mostly to maintain confusion and the ability to claim every position.
O M G They let this woman run loose? What a hateful, vile, human being. I am so disheartened…
She is also litigation-happy…last fall she sued Greenwich for, among other things, flying the Israeli flag on Israel’s Independence Day (“I do not believe the town of Greenwich should be celebrating the trail-of-tears of the Christians and Muslims that were forced from the land to make way for emigrating Jews from the United States and Europe,” Whitnum said. “There are many people in Greenwich who memorialize May 15 as the Nakba Day, an event millions view as a day of mourning.”); she sued a newspaper for leaving her out of a debate (which went ahead last Saturday without her); is also currently suing a blogger (myleftnutmeg) for allegedly not recognizing her as a candidate. Beyond those, she has an slander/defamation lawsuit going against Governor Molloy (who said her views were anti-Semitic), who filed for a civil protective order against her constant requests for evidence. She is often described as a “perennial candidate”.
I hear the dulcet sounds of Daffy Duck cavorting in the background….
she’s nuttier than a payday bar. personally, i’m sick and tired of gasbags from the northeastern united states thinking every thing they say or do is of the utmost importance. for some strange reason CT is populated with what Californians call “heshers”…people fond of mullets, 1980s hair/glam metal and camaros. silly gooses, they call we South Carolinians “dumb, hicks and rednecks” while falling over themselves to come down and enjoy our nice, clean beaches, friendly folks, great food and beautiful golf courses. i, for one, would like to see I-95 become a toll road!
Pesonally, I’m sick and tired of gasbags like yourself who have this idea that all of us who live in the northeast are like this idiot.
I offer as example the owner of this blog.
Difference in the left and right is the left ascribes epithets without proof or documentation and the right brings the evidence to the table.
Which are you?
I’m someone who dislikes left wing style comments that make insulting generalizations about those of us on the right just because we happen to live in the northeast.
Whitnum seems to be a typical democrat…one miserable person –
Well, I watched the video, start to finish….
Thankfully the high pitched ringing in my ears somehow serves to deaden the searing pain in my eyes!
Did I miss the obligatory disparaging reference to the ‘conspiratorial’ Babylonian Talmud?
פסח שמח-
Pesach Same’ach.
Not an Israel-hater, but a Jew-hater. This is the face of the left, and the democrat party base.
WOW!!! Let’s all get behind this raging lunatic and hope that she wins the democrat nomination.